Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 11, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Gay Marriage is Not God’s Marriage


We’ve just been given another wake-up call, this time from the U.S. Supreme Court as it struck down a provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) this week. That provision prevented married gay couples from receiving tax, health, and retirement benefits.

This is another reminder that it is up to the people rather than secular government to defend God’s principles in an ungodly culture.

God created the heavens and the earth, and mankind is made in His image. God’s plan for marriage is woven through Scripture and has been implemented throughout history. Marriage predates kings and governments.

By the intricate engineering of the male and female bodies, science also confirms we are uniquely designed for procreation and for the opposite sex.

Apparently, none of this matters to five of these nine judicial appointees. Man often thinks he knows better than God. Defining marriage is still up to individual states as the Supreme Court did not impose federal law on marriage. That said, this decision is likely to embolden activists and sends the dangerous message that children do not necessarily need a mother and a father.

It also means states that have already passed same-sex marriage laws can now force the federal government to recognize their mockery of society’s foundational institution.

The question must again be asked, ‘will gay activists be content with this decision or will they aim to advance their agenda?’

Answer: Immediately following the court’s decision, top activist lawyers stood on the Supreme Court steps and reiterated their promise to push gay marriage nationwide. It will not be enough for them to be content with a few legal victories until they enforce their agenda and will upon all Americans, including the majority that disagrees with them.

Living in proud, open rebellion to God’s laws, they not only refuse to obey and submit to His authority, they aim to take it away as an option for us as well. They will protest our free speech when it comes to faith and religious liberty proving their intolerance of those of us who believe they are wrong.

We didn’t get here overnight.

Sadly, the media’s promotion of homosexuality and their lobbying for the Left has had a major impact swaying the minds of the uninformed. They influenced public opinion to the point where more Americans are softening towards sin; this includes Christians. A recent Pew Forum survey on media coverage exposed the truth; in their reporting, the media supported same-sex marriage 5 to 1 hoping the public would soon think it is inevitable. Breakpoint’s Ben Booker wrote:

This is a major failing on the media’s part. The purpose of the press is to inform the public about what is occurring in society. Yet instead of representing the real opposition to same-sex marriage, the media has decided to promote the idea that same-sex marriage is a foregone conclusion. Its limited perspective has been detrimental in several ways.

But even with their biased reporting, it is fascinating that in Illinois, one of the bluest of blue states, the legislature failed to pass a same-sex marriage bill because they didn’t have enough votes for it. Illinois is a Democratic stronghold and yet it still didn’t go the way of California, whose liberal court (The Ninth Circus) overturned the will of 7 million voters that cast their ballots in favor of marriage between one man and one woman in 2008.

The media portrays the issue as already decided and more people assume there is no reason to debate it, which is what activists want.

Christians may never have fair representation in the media, but we can’t stop raising awareness and sharing the truth. Religious leaders and pastors must actively and purposefully preach and teach on marriage so that their congregants are informed and able to defend traditional marriage.

The Court can declare same-sex “marriage” a legal right in the eyes of government, but judges cannot make it morally right in the hearts of the people.

Regardless of what the Left, the media, government, Hollywood, and activists want us to believe, we’re still the majority. We have the power of prayer and elections, for starters. It still comes down to the people.

Nothing the marketers of evil do should surprise us anymore and we must refuse to let a court’s definition of marriage discourage us from understanding the times and seeing the big picture. Some put their stock in a temporary, worthless certificate of same-sex marriage, but we put our faith in the priceless, eternal truths of the Word of God.


More From David

Gay Marriage is Not God’s Marriage



We’ve just been given another wake-up call, this time from the U.S. Supreme Court as it struck down a provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) this week. That provision prevented married gay couples from receiving tax, health, and retirement benefits.

This is another reminder that it is up to the people rather than secular government to defend God’s principles in an ungodly culture.

God created the heavens and the earth, and mankind is made in His image. God’s plan for marriage is woven through Scripture and has been implemented throughout history. Marriage predates kings and governments.

By the intricate engineering of the male and female bodies, science also confirms we are uniquely designed for procreation and for the opposite sex.

Apparently, none of this matters to five of these nine judicial appointees. Man often thinks he knows better than God. Defining marriage is still up to individual states as the Supreme Court did not impose federal law on marriage. That said, this decision is likely to embolden activists and sends the dangerous message that children do not necessarily need a mother and a father.

It also means states that have already passed same-sex marriage laws can now force the federal government to recognize their mockery of society’s foundational institution.

The question must again be asked, ‘will gay activists be content with this decision or will they aim to advance their agenda?’

Answer: Immediately following the court’s decision, top activist lawyers stood on the Supreme Court steps and reiterated their promise to push gay marriage nationwide. It will not be enough for them to be content with a few legal victories until they enforce their agenda and will upon all Americans, including the majority that disagrees with them.

Living in proud, open rebellion to God’s laws, they not only refuse to obey and submit to His authority, they aim to take it away as an option for us as well. They will protest our free speech when it comes to faith and religious liberty proving their intolerance of those of us who believe they are wrong.

We didn’t get here overnight.

Sadly, the media’s promotion of homosexuality and their lobbying for the Left has had a major impact swaying the minds of the uninformed. They influenced public opinion to the point where more Americans are softening towards sin; this includes Christians. A recent Pew Forum survey on media coverage exposed the truth; in their reporting, the media supported same-sex marriage 5 to 1 hoping the public would soon think it is inevitable. Breakpoint’s Ben Booker wrote:

This is a major failing on the media’s part. The purpose of the press is to inform the public about what is occurring in society. Yet instead of representing the real opposition to same-sex marriage, the media has decided to promote the idea that same-sex marriage is a foregone conclusion. Its limited perspective has been detrimental in several ways.

But even with their biased reporting, it is fascinating that in Illinois, one of the bluest of blue states, the legislature failed to pass a same-sex marriage bill because they didn’t have enough votes for it. Illinois is a Democratic stronghold and yet it still didn’t go the way of California, whose liberal court (The Ninth Circus) overturned the will of 7 million voters that cast their ballots in favor of marriage between one man and one woman in 2008.

The media portrays the issue as already decided and more people assume there is no reason to debate it, which is what activists want.

Christians may never have fair representation in the media, but we can’t stop raising awareness and sharing the truth. Religious leaders and pastors must actively and purposefully preach and teach on marriage so that their congregants are informed and able to defend traditional marriage.

The Court can declare same-sex “marriage” a legal right in the eyes of government, but judges cannot make it morally right in the hearts of the people.

Regardless of what the Left, the media, government, Hollywood, and activists want us to believe, we’re still the majority. We have the power of prayer and elections, for starters. It still comes down to the people.

Nothing the marketers of evil do should surprise us anymore and we must refuse to let a court’s definition of marriage discourage us from understanding the times and seeing the big picture. Some put their stock in a temporary, worthless certificate of same-sex marriage, but we put our faith in the priceless, eternal truths of the Word of God.

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