Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

The Last Fifty Years in America, Eradicate Overview (Part 2 of 2)

In Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America, we’ll investigate why too many Christians have conformed to the world and show how were now suffering the consequences as a nation. I’ll give you one reason right now. Brand new research reveals one of the major problems with Christianity in America: only 19% of believers read or study the Bible every day. The Bible is our lifeline!

If it’s not apathy among believers, it’s the constant attacks on Christianity. There are enemies working right now to destroy America’s Judeo-Christian roots from within. The sad thing is, while this onslaught happens right under our noses, many of us just roll over and hit the snooze button. Eradicate is my way to help sound the alarm and encourage you to understand the times and have a sense of urgency. God can use you and America really needs you.

So much has shaped the United States since John Hancock said, “We recognize no sovereign but God and no king but Jesus,” since Patrick Henry proclaimed, “Give me liberty or give me death,” and since Daniel Webster said, “If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, America will go on prospering.”

Just in our lifetime we’ve seen such a rapid decline of morality and a dumbing-down of the next generation, we hardly know what hit us. Most Americans did not know that anti-Christian, underground movements were working in our courts, in our schools, the media, and in government. We’ll analyze how their plan has been both brilliant – and evil.

So here we are in 2012 where the downward spiral of Christian silence has become almost deafening. If we don’t start speaking up, America will keep falling.

According to Relevant Magazine, 64% of unmarried Christians in the 18-29 age range have had sex within the last year. Oh, and with the help of our tax dollars, condoms are handed out in public schools across the country to encourage sexual activity instead of abstinence. A baby is aborted in America every 26 seconds. Perhaps even more tragic, the Alan Guttmacher Institute reports that seven out of ten women claim to be Christian at the time they had an abortion.

Who’s winning, Planned Parenthood’s abortion business or the Church in America? Studies show that after just one year of college, 85% of young people turn away from Christianity. Don’t blame the kids; they’re just following their celebrity role models, believing their liberal professors, and listening to secular music all day.

We recently witnessed the vitriol of those who oppose Christian values when Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy simply took a stand for traditional marriage. Today, if we give our opinion publicly we’re often called hateful or intolerant. The media promotes homosexuality as normal and would have us wrongly believe we’re outnumbered, but according to the 2010 U.S. Census, same-sex couples make up less than one percent of the American population.

In 2012, President Obama and VP Joe Biden have endorsed same-sex marriage and the Democratic Party has not made that part of their platform which already includes abortion and massive federal spending without restraint. Christians need to impact politics again. Charles Finney said, “God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take” and who they support with their precious votes.

We need to be undaunted in out fight for truth because our time is short. Revelation 3:2 says, “Wake up and strengthen the things that remain and are about to die!” Joshua 24:15 says to “Choose today whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

In Blotting out God in America, you’ll learn how important it is for Christians to have a worldview based on biblical truth; we’ll re-visit some American history and document how God is being removed from the public square. We’ll look at the NEA and see how secular-progressives and Humanism have influenced public education.

We’ll expose Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, and the dark history of the abortion movement including eugenics and population control. From a Christian perspective, we’ll investigate President Obama’s beliefs, background, and policies and we’ll prove how this administration has been the most biblically-hostile presidency in the history of America.

We’ll scrutinize today’s anti-Christian media and uncover Communist, Marxist, and socialist movements right here in the United States. Fifty or a hundred years ago, some folks said, “It could never happen in America.” But tragically today, people are now saying, “How can this be happening in America?!”

Every religion is ‘tolerated’ except biblical Christianity. Churches have backed out of public life and too many Christian leaders are diluting the Gospel and watering down the Word of God. We’re now facing a moral and spiritual state of emergency.

Eradicate is for you; for concerned citizens and the average American. It’s also for those who may be feeling overwhelmed by the direction America is going and yet hopeful that something can still be done to save this great Republic under God.

The culture war parallels the spiritual battle for the soul of America and we need to remember our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Francis Schaeffer wrote, “This is not a friendly, gentleman’s discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ.”

Let’s encourage others to trust God, fight the good fight of faith, and help save a dying country. Keith Green once said, “This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth.” Life isn’t just about our comfort, fun, or our happiness. It’s about living for the One who is returning to take us home after our work is done.

Romans 13:11 says, “Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to wake up from your sleep; right now, salvation is closer than when we first believed.” Eradicate is a critical message for America. Let’s make a difference again and be part of the solution. Let’s live counter-culture for Christ.


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The Last Fifty Years in America, Eradicate Overview (Part 2 of 2)


In Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America, we’ll investigate why too many Christians have conformed to the world and show how were now suffering the consequences as a nation. I’ll give you one reason right now. Brand new research reveals one of the major problems with Christianity in America: only 19% of believers read or study the Bible every day. The Bible is our lifeline!

If it’s not apathy among believers, it’s the constant attacks on Christianity. There are enemies working right now to destroy America’s Judeo-Christian roots from within. The sad thing is, while this onslaught happens right under our noses, many of us just roll over and hit the snooze button. Eradicate is my way to help sound the alarm and encourage you to understand the times and have a sense of urgency. God can use you and America really needs you.

So much has shaped the United States since John Hancock said, “We recognize no sovereign but God and no king but Jesus,” since Patrick Henry proclaimed, “Give me liberty or give me death,” and since Daniel Webster said, “If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, America will go on prospering.”

Just in our lifetime we’ve seen such a rapid decline of morality and a dumbing-down of the next generation, we hardly know what hit us. Most Americans did not know that anti-Christian, underground movements were working in our courts, in our schools, the media, and in government. We’ll analyze how their plan has been both brilliant – and evil.

So here we are in 2012 where the downward spiral of Christian silence has become almost deafening. If we don’t start speaking up, America will keep falling.

According to Relevant Magazine, 64% of unmarried Christians in the 18-29 age range have had sex within the last year. Oh, and with the help of our tax dollars, condoms are handed out in public schools across the country to encourage sexual activity instead of abstinence. A baby is aborted in America every 26 seconds. Perhaps even more tragic, the Alan Guttmacher Institute reports that seven out of ten women claim to be Christian at the time they had an abortion.

Who’s winning, Planned Parenthood’s abortion business or the Church in America? Studies show that after just one year of college, 85% of young people turn away from Christianity. Don’t blame the kids; they’re just following their celebrity role models, believing their liberal professors, and listening to secular music all day.

We recently witnessed the vitriol of those who oppose Christian values when Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy simply took a stand for traditional marriage. Today, if we give our opinion publicly we’re often called hateful or intolerant. The media promotes homosexuality as normal and would have us wrongly believe we’re outnumbered, but according to the 2010 U.S. Census, same-sex couples make up less than one percent of the American population.

In 2012, President Obama and VP Joe Biden have endorsed same-sex marriage and the Democratic Party has not made that part of their platform which already includes abortion and massive federal spending without restraint. Christians need to impact politics again. Charles Finney said, “God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take” and who they support with their precious votes.

We need to be undaunted in out fight for truth because our time is short. Revelation 3:2 says, “Wake up and strengthen the things that remain and are about to die!” Joshua 24:15 says to “Choose today whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

In Blotting out God in America, you’ll learn how important it is for Christians to have a worldview based on biblical truth; we’ll re-visit some American history and document how God is being removed from the public square. We’ll look at the NEA and see how secular-progressives and Humanism have influenced public education.

We’ll expose Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, and the dark history of the abortion movement including eugenics and population control. From a Christian perspective, we’ll investigate President Obama’s beliefs, background, and policies and we’ll prove how this administration has been the most biblically-hostile presidency in the history of America.

We’ll scrutinize today’s anti-Christian media and uncover Communist, Marxist, and socialist movements right here in the United States. Fifty or a hundred years ago, some folks said, “It could never happen in America.” But tragically today, people are now saying, “How can this be happening in America?!”

Every religion is ‘tolerated’ except biblical Christianity. Churches have backed out of public life and too many Christian leaders are diluting the Gospel and watering down the Word of God. We’re now facing a moral and spiritual state of emergency.

Eradicate is for you; for concerned citizens and the average American. It’s also for those who may be feeling overwhelmed by the direction America is going and yet hopeful that something can still be done to save this great Republic under God.

The culture war parallels the spiritual battle for the soul of America and we need to remember our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Francis Schaeffer wrote, “This is not a friendly, gentleman’s discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ.”

Let’s encourage others to trust God, fight the good fight of faith, and help save a dying country. Keith Green once said, “This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth.” Life isn’t just about our comfort, fun, or our happiness. It’s about living for the One who is returning to take us home after our work is done.

Romans 13:11 says, “Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to wake up from your sleep; right now, salvation is closer than when we first believed.” Eradicate is a critical message for America. Let’s make a difference again and be part of the solution. Let’s live counter-culture for Christ.

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