Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Kevin Sorbo: The Tide Is Turning & More People Are Waking Up

David catches up with Kevin Sorbo and discuss the conservative movement, cancel culture, politics, homeschooling, visiting Israel, children's books, as well as Kevin's upcoming...

Boycott: Target Targets Children, Recruits for Pride Cult

Target has had annual pride collections since 2012. They changed their bathroom policies to accommodate transgender individuals and ignored the safety of young women...

Haters Don’t Want Franklin Graham Saving Lives in NYC?

I don't care WHAT your religion, your profession, politics or your proclivities are when I need a doctor or health care. I just want...

Drag Queens Target Kids, Part of LGBTQ Agenda

The goal has always been the children. The current drag queen phenomena is no different: Convert kids to liberalism and if they have...

Indoctrination: ‘Coexist’ With Lies and False Teachings?

Government education in America kicked God, prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments out of public schools over fifty years ago leaving a massive...

Sign of the Times? Pastor Forced Out for Speaking Truth

Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, has now lost his job following backlash over statements he made about sin,...

Transanity: Three Terrible Trans-Actions

Culture is shifting left, change is happening, and morality is declining at such a rapid pace in American culture, a culture in which moral...

Supreme Ruling: You Don’t Have to Bake the Cake, Jack

You’ve probably heard the U.S. Supreme Court decided in favor of Colorado baker, Jack Phillips; that the State violated his religious freedom when they...

Higher Education, Low Tolerance for Truth

Another Christian group, this time at Harvard University, was recently accused of discrimination for – ready – believing in the teachings of the Bible...

Can the Bible and Transgenderism both be True?

Once a society or an individual abandons truth, anything goes, and generally this doesn't end well. Does God make mistakes? Are some people born...

Eight Key Concerns for Christians in 2018

A favorite Scripture of mine is Psalm 90:12 which states, “Teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”...

Rolling Out the ‘T’ – and it’s not Tolerance

Many people think the transgender movement has been more of a recent development in America, but it goes back to 1952 when the first...

Introduction to ‘Redefining Truth’ book excerpt

Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good, by David Fiorazo, full introduction! Truth has never been so assaulted, avoided, denied, downplayed, hated,...

Alarming Trends for Religious Freedom, Christians

You might call this troubling, concerning, disturbing or alarming, but to those who have studied the Bible and understand the times, this trend of...

Cultivating a Culture of Decay

More sobering polls have emerged recently further proving America’s downward spiral. Our decline has been so gradual many of us did not notice -...

Obama Promotes Islam at Baltimore Mosque

Speaking at the Islamic Society of Baltimore the day before the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama again sent an ideological message in need of...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Miley Cyrus May Not Care, But We Should

She's losing it, but who will tell her the truth? Miley Cyrus is cussing, partying, and twerking in dangerous territory; openly rebelling in the...

The Immoral Climb and Spiritual Decline in America

A recent Gallup poll reveals 74% of Americans think morals and ethics in society are getting worse. Not that we need another poll to...

Kevin Sorbo: The Tide Is Turning & More People Are Waking Up

David catches up with Kevin Sorbo and discuss the conservative movement, cancel culture, politics, homeschooling, visiting Israel, children's books, as well as Kevin's upcoming...

Boycott: Target Targets Children, Recruits for Pride Cult

Target has had annual pride collections since 2012. They changed their bathroom policies to accommodate transgender individuals and ignored the safety of young women...

Haters Don’t Want Franklin Graham Saving Lives in NYC?

I don't care WHAT your religion, your profession, politics or your proclivities are when I need a doctor or health care. I just want...

Drag Queens Target Kids, Part of LGBTQ Agenda

The goal has always been the children. The current drag queen phenomena is no different: Convert kids to liberalism and if they have...

Indoctrination: ‘Coexist’ With Lies and False Teachings?

Government education in America kicked God, prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments out of public schools over fifty years ago leaving a massive...

Sign of the Times? Pastor Forced Out for Speaking Truth

Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, has now lost his job following backlash over statements he made about sin,...

Transanity: Three Terrible Trans-Actions

Culture is shifting left, change is happening, and morality is declining at such a rapid pace in American culture, a culture in which moral...

Supreme Ruling: You Don’t Have to Bake the Cake, Jack

You’ve probably heard the U.S. Supreme Court decided in favor of Colorado baker, Jack Phillips; that the State violated his religious freedom when they...

Higher Education, Low Tolerance for Truth

Another Christian group, this time at Harvard University, was recently accused of discrimination for – ready – believing in the teachings of the Bible...

Can the Bible and Transgenderism both be True?

Once a society or an individual abandons truth, anything goes, and generally this doesn't end well. Does God make mistakes? Are some people born...

Eight Key Concerns for Christians in 2018

A favorite Scripture of mine is Psalm 90:12 which states, “Teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”...

Rolling Out the ‘T’ – and it’s not Tolerance

Many people think the transgender movement has been more of a recent development in America, but it goes back to 1952 when the first...

Introduction to ‘Redefining Truth’ book excerpt

Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good, by David Fiorazo, full introduction! Truth has never been so assaulted, avoided, denied, downplayed, hated,...

Alarming Trends for Religious Freedom, Christians

You might call this troubling, concerning, disturbing or alarming, but to those who have studied the Bible and understand the times, this trend of...

Cultivating a Culture of Decay

More sobering polls have emerged recently further proving America’s downward spiral. Our decline has been so gradual many of us did not notice -...

Obama Promotes Islam at Baltimore Mosque

Speaking at the Islamic Society of Baltimore the day before the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama again sent an ideological message in need of...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Miley Cyrus May Not Care, But We Should

She's losing it, but who will tell her the truth? Miley Cyrus is cussing, partying, and twerking in dangerous territory; openly rebelling in the...

The Immoral Climb and Spiritual Decline in America

A recent Gallup poll reveals 74% of Americans think morals and ethics in society are getting worse. Not that we need another poll to...

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