Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 7, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Eric Hovind: Defending Biblical Authority, Creation, and the Gospel

Eric Hovind founder of Creation Today, discusses double standards and hypocrisy within the church and in today’s culture, and highlights the upcoming film, Night...

Garry Ingraham: Coming Out Of Cultural ‘Christianity’ & LGBT Identity

Garry Ingraham and his wife founded Love & Truth Network in 2013. His newly released book ‘Am I Gay?’ covers the topic of identity...

Hillary Morgan Ferrer: Apologetics And Prayers For Mama Bears

Hillary Morgan Ferrer is the Founder and President of Mama Bear Apologetics, and the author of "Honest Prayers For Mama Bears":

Bible on Trial: Speaking Truth, Scripture Now Hate Speech?

Another male athlete competing against young women is annihilating the competition. Olympic gold medalist and swimming champion, Michael Phelps weighed in saying everyone should...

Study: Biden Voters Don’t Know God, the Bible

New poll results were released this week showing only 30% of Biden Harris voters believe the Bible "is the actual or inspired Word of...

Heidi St. John Interviews David Fiorazo: God’s Word is Truth

Heidi St. John writes: “I had the opportunity, really the privilege, of being on his show (Stand Up for the Truth) about a month and a half...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

The Trinitarian Controversy, the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Great Hymn

Was Jesus created or is He the Creator? On this doctrine, eternity depends. Is He the Messiah and is the Bible true? If Jesus Christ...

Jude: Defend the Faith, Warn the Church – Bible Study

Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...

America is in Trouble Because the Church is in Trouble

The results are in - and they are not encouraging. Many American citizens claim to love God and believe we live in a Christian nation,...

The ‘Church’ Infecting Christianity: Where Did the Emergent Church Emerge From?

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge...

Eric Hovind: Defending Biblical Authority, Creation, and the Gospel

Eric Hovind founder of Creation Today, discusses double standards and hypocrisy within the church and in today’s culture, and highlights the upcoming film, Night...

Garry Ingraham: Coming Out Of Cultural ‘Christianity’ & LGBT Identity

Garry Ingraham and his wife founded Love & Truth Network in 2013. His newly released book ‘Am I Gay?’ covers the topic of identity...

Hillary Morgan Ferrer: Apologetics And Prayers For Mama Bears

Hillary Morgan Ferrer is the Founder and President of Mama Bear Apologetics, and the author of "Honest Prayers For Mama Bears":

Bible on Trial: Speaking Truth, Scripture Now Hate Speech?

Another male athlete competing against young women is annihilating the competition. Olympic gold medalist and swimming champion, Michael Phelps weighed in saying everyone should...

Study: Biden Voters Don’t Know God, the Bible

New poll results were released this week showing only 30% of Biden Harris voters believe the Bible "is the actual or inspired Word of...

Heidi St. John Interviews David Fiorazo: God’s Word is Truth

Heidi St. John writes: “I had the opportunity, really the privilege, of being on his show (Stand Up for the Truth) about a month and a half...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

The Trinitarian Controversy, the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Great Hymn

Was Jesus created or is He the Creator? On this doctrine, eternity depends. Is He the Messiah and is the Bible true? If Jesus Christ...

Jude: Defend the Faith, Warn the Church – Bible Study

Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...

America is in Trouble Because the Church is in Trouble

The results are in - and they are not encouraging. Many American citizens claim to love God and believe we live in a Christian nation,...

The ‘Church’ Infecting Christianity: Where Did the Emergent Church Emerge From?

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge...

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