Sam Sorbo shares her concerns about government involvement in education and the many issues with public schools and anti-Christian curriculum and teachers.
Filmmakers Mark & Amber Archer of 'Fearless Features' speak about their latest, DYSPHORIA, including LGBT, sexuality, parents rights being trampled and children being accessed...
They’re not just about killing babies anymore. A former Planned Parenthood worker recently came forward about concerns over the abortion giant distributing cross-sex hormones...
If men are women, then truth, science, and sanity are history.
A new study reveals 74% of generation Z embrace moral relativism. And Twitter censors...
America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...
Whatever happened to parent’s rights when it comes to their children in public schools? It’s becoming more frequent that parents who disagree with transgender...
Public schools in three states so far have decided to teach elementary school children LGBT history in multiple subjects. It began in California last...
Sam Sorbo shares her concerns about government involvement in education and the many issues with public schools and anti-Christian curriculum and teachers.
Filmmakers Mark & Amber Archer of 'Fearless Features' speak about their latest, DYSPHORIA, including LGBT, sexuality, parents rights being trampled and children being accessed...
They’re not just about killing babies anymore. A former Planned Parenthood worker recently came forward about concerns over the abortion giant distributing cross-sex hormones...
If men are women, then truth, science, and sanity are history.
A new study reveals 74% of generation Z embrace moral relativism. And Twitter censors...
America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...
Whatever happened to parent’s rights when it comes to their children in public schools? It’s becoming more frequent that parents who disagree with transgender...
Public schools in three states so far have decided to teach elementary school children LGBT history in multiple subjects. It began in California last...
Over four hundred teachers underwent mandatory training in Michigan recently that exalted Islam but denigrated Christianity, America, and white males. The training leads people...
Public schools in America allow Planned Parenthood access to the youngest of children in order to push their hyper-sexual, destructive agenda. They justify perversion...
Government education in America kicked God, prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments out of public schools over fifty years ago leaving a massive...