Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

moral relativism

Daniel Smithwick: Can Decline Of Biblical Worldview Be Slowed?

Daniel Smithwick founded the Nehemiah Institute in 1986 and has authored several books. Topics today center around the decline of biblical worldview within churches...

Dr. George Barna: Consequences Of Anti Biblical Worldview Misdiagnosed As Mental Illness

Dr. George Barna is a professor at Arizona Christian University and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center, as well as the...

Be Strong & Steadfast! Author David Fiorazo on Counter Culture Mom show

Pastors should teach their congregation the whole truth of the Bible without fear. We are on a cliff in America and must have a...

The World System Advances Demonic Assault on Christianity

“It is the image of God reflected in you that so enrages hell; it is this at which the demons hurl their mightiest weapons;...

George Carneal: Marxist LGBTQ ‘Revolution’ Progressing as Planned

George Carneal and David discuss gender dysphoria, England banning puberty blockers, and the future of the transgender movement.

Study: Core Biblical Beliefs Rejected By Today’s Youth

Americans are following their hearts to destruction. A sobering conclusion to a brand-new study is that it appears America “is on the precipice of...

Study: Core Biblical Beliefs Rejected by Today’s Youth

Americans are rejecting God and following their hearts to destruction and emptiness. A sobering conclusion to a brand-new study is that it appears America...

Sam Sorbo: Speak Truth, Combat The Toxic Liberal Left

Sam Sorbo is an actress, writer, producer, author, homeschool advocate, and wife of Kevin Sorbo. She joins David to urge parents to teach and...

John Cooper: Wimpy, Weak, And Woke; Truth vs Destruction

John L. Cooper, author and founder of the Christian rock band Skillet joins David on Worldview Matters to talk about his newest book 'Wimpy,...

Dragging America Down, Navy Recruiting Stunt Backfires

China and Russia have been preparing for war and building their armed forces for years. For more than a decade however, America’s military has...

Defining ‘Woman’ Confusing in Modern History

I pray more people are asking the question, ‘How can you trust a person, especially someone in any leadership position, who cannot speak...

NEW BOOK! The Left Is ‘Canceling Christianity’

For the last 2,000 years, societies have been trying to silence Christians and even blot out God - if that were possible. America is...

God’s Will No Concern to Congress?

Democrat Leaders Cancel God from Congress. That’s the headline. It's no surprise the left continues to blot out God in America, but notice that...

Planned Parenthood’s New Victims: Transgender Teenagers

They’re not just about killing babies anymore. A former Planned Parenthood worker recently came forward about concerns over the abortion giant distributing cross-sex hormones...

CA Woman Tosses Puppies; Other Women Toss Babies

A woman in California dropped a bag full of newborn puppies into a dumpster in Riverside County a few months back and the verdict...

Anti-Christian Bias, Unequal Outcomes in ‘Equality Act’

The Left may be godless, but they’re not stupid. Their deceptive and shrewd use of strategic words has helped them change public opinion, gain...

Exploiting Children: Part of the Left’s Agenda

Have you heard about the latest disturbing craze? Drag queens, story times, and parents of drag kids are normalizing the bizarre while dance moms...

If I Were the Devil (How the Enemy Advances)

This is how the enemy advances - book excerpt from Redefining Truth (2017). Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a...

Sign of the Times? Pastor Forced Out for Speaking Truth

Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, has now lost his job following backlash over statements he made about sin,...

Twitter To Ban Users Who Don’t Embrace Transgenderism?

Twitter has recently decided to enforce a politically-correct, one-sided application of its terms of service which for all practical purposes justifies censorship. Due to...

Daniel Smithwick: Can Decline Of Biblical Worldview Be Slowed?

Daniel Smithwick founded the Nehemiah Institute in 1986 and has authored several books. Topics today center around the decline of biblical worldview within churches...

Dr. George Barna: Consequences Of Anti Biblical Worldview Misdiagnosed As Mental Illness

Dr. George Barna is a professor at Arizona Christian University and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center, as well as the...

Be Strong & Steadfast! Author David Fiorazo on Counter Culture Mom show

Pastors should teach their congregation the whole truth of the Bible without fear. We are on a cliff in America and must have a...

The World System Advances Demonic Assault on Christianity

“It is the image of God reflected in you that so enrages hell; it is this at which the demons hurl their mightiest weapons;...

George Carneal: Marxist LGBTQ ‘Revolution’ Progressing as Planned

George Carneal and David discuss gender dysphoria, England banning puberty blockers, and the future of the transgender movement.

Study: Core Biblical Beliefs Rejected By Today’s Youth

Americans are following their hearts to destruction. A sobering conclusion to a brand-new study is that it appears America “is on the precipice of...

Study: Core Biblical Beliefs Rejected by Today’s Youth

Americans are rejecting God and following their hearts to destruction and emptiness. A sobering conclusion to a brand-new study is that it appears America...

Sam Sorbo: Speak Truth, Combat The Toxic Liberal Left

Sam Sorbo is an actress, writer, producer, author, homeschool advocate, and wife of Kevin Sorbo. She joins David to urge parents to teach and...

John Cooper: Wimpy, Weak, And Woke; Truth vs Destruction

John L. Cooper, author and founder of the Christian rock band Skillet joins David on Worldview Matters to talk about his newest book 'Wimpy,...

Dragging America Down, Navy Recruiting Stunt Backfires

China and Russia have been preparing for war and building their armed forces for years. For more than a decade however, America’s military has...

Defining ‘Woman’ Confusing in Modern History

I pray more people are asking the question, ‘How can you trust a person, especially someone in any leadership position, who cannot speak...

NEW BOOK! The Left Is ‘Canceling Christianity’

For the last 2,000 years, societies have been trying to silence Christians and even blot out God - if that were possible. America is...

God’s Will No Concern to Congress?

Democrat Leaders Cancel God from Congress. That’s the headline. It's no surprise the left continues to blot out God in America, but notice that...

Planned Parenthood’s New Victims: Transgender Teenagers

They’re not just about killing babies anymore. A former Planned Parenthood worker recently came forward about concerns over the abortion giant distributing cross-sex hormones...

CA Woman Tosses Puppies; Other Women Toss Babies

A woman in California dropped a bag full of newborn puppies into a dumpster in Riverside County a few months back and the verdict...

Anti-Christian Bias, Unequal Outcomes in ‘Equality Act’

The Left may be godless, but they’re not stupid. Their deceptive and shrewd use of strategic words has helped them change public opinion, gain...

Exploiting Children: Part of the Left’s Agenda

Have you heard about the latest disturbing craze? Drag queens, story times, and parents of drag kids are normalizing the bizarre while dance moms...

If I Were the Devil (How the Enemy Advances)

This is how the enemy advances - book excerpt from Redefining Truth (2017). Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a...

Sign of the Times? Pastor Forced Out for Speaking Truth

Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, has now lost his job following backlash over statements he made about sin,...

Twitter To Ban Users Who Don’t Embrace Transgenderism?

Twitter has recently decided to enforce a politically-correct, one-sided application of its terms of service which for all practical purposes justifies censorship. Due to...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

Signs of Life on Mars but not in a Mother’s Womb?

This just in! Once again, researchers are thrilled about the possibility of life on Mars! Maybe. A recent report of water a mile underneath a slab...

Abnormal, Unnatural Trans Ideology Becoming the New Normal?

Celebrated by most media, by Hollywood, the National Education Association, People Magazine, and a vast number of other publications, transgender TV star and teen...

Standing Against the Tide of Moral Relativism

Perhaps the biggest casualty in the ongoing war against God and truth is this generation of young people. Meanings of words have been changed,...

Taxpayers to Fund Trans Surgeries, Pelosi Progressives Relieved

Last week she was furious. How could the GOP take taxpayer money from the noble cause of gender identity politics and allow the people...

When Adults Harm Children and Don’t Care

Several alarming news items prove yet again that Christians waited too long to speak up and influence culture with biblical truth because the restraining...

Accommodating Lies in the Transgender Debate

Rather than change its controversial transgender bathroom policy, Target Corporation is now planning to spend $20 million to add private single-stall bathrooms at all...

Redefining What it Means to Be Human

We are in the midst of open rebellion against God and the rejection of His created, divine order including the most basic truths in...

The New Transgender Agenda: Cultural Confusion

To reach such lows in America today, it was necessary for truth to be minimized and a new foundation to be established: there is...

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