Author, Speaker, Pastor

September, 19, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Kevin Sorbo: The Tide Is Turning & More People Are Waking Up

David catches up with Kevin Sorbo and discuss the conservative movement, cancel culture, politics, homeschooling, visiting Israel, children's books, as well as Kevin's upcoming...

Tina Marie Griffin: Exposing Darkness, Expecting Warfare

Tina Marie Griffin, the Counter-Culture Mom joins Worldview Matters to encourage and warn parents to research and be skeptical of content marketed to children,...

Chad Davidson: Wrestling With Discipleship

Chad Davidson of Good Fight Ministries has a brand new book out titled: Wrestling With Discipleship!

Is the Anti-Christ LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

They don't call it programming for nothing! We must warn others and connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children. In a new...

Sam Sorbo: Speak Truth, Combat The Toxic Liberal Left

Sam Sorbo is an actress, writer, producer, author, homeschool advocate, and wife of Kevin Sorbo. She joins David to urge parents to teach and...

Same Sex Agenda Dominates Culture But Numbers Don’t Add Up, Census

According to the latest U.S. Census, less than one percent of American households are headed by a same-sex couple. To be specific, same-sex ‘married’...

Gallup: American’s Belief in God Dips to Historic Low

1944. That was the first year Gallup asked Americans the question about faith in God. Those were times when a majority of people trusted...

Delusion: Pregnant Men, Preferred Pronouns, and Pride Month

This godless rebellion against Truth and sexual revolution will not stop - unless many more American citizens take a stand for truth. And even...

Cartoons Cancelled But Pornographic Grammy’s Celebrated

How much more filth disguised as entertainment has to be displayed before people revolt over the onslaught of blatant, in-your-face, offensive so-called art forms?...

Democrats Don’t Believe All Women, They Believe Joe Biden

If you believed Christian Blasey Ford - and you do not believe Tara Reade - you may be part of the problem. We're seeing...

Media Wanted Kavanaugh’s Head, Now Give Biden a Pass

What a difference a political party makes. A few years ago, CNN published more than 700 articles on Christine Blasey Ford and aired hundreds...

AOC, HGTV Threesome, and LGBT: Normalizing Godlessness

What do AOC, VH1, Marvel, HGTV, and the LGBT have in common? The normalization of immorality including drag queens, gays kissing, and a “throuple”...

Why the Oscars, Award Show Ratings Keep Tanking

Either Hollywood elites are in denial - or they just don't care that, year after year, awards show ratings keep hitting record lows. Either...

Blatant Blasphemy Cheered in Hollywood

From decades of sacrilegious horror movies to The View and Joy Behar (who has a history of attacking Christians), to late night TV comedians...

Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano Unwittingly Help Pro-Life Cause

Actors Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano, and a cast of other liberals are fighting for abortion, but their tactics seem to be backfiring because they’re...

Hollywood, Dems Deaf to Heartbeats in the Womb

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, has been under pressure from the left including Hollywood celebrities and feminists because he promised to sign a bill protecting...

Transanity: Three Terrible Trans-Actions

Culture is shifting left, change is happening, and morality is declining at such a rapid pace in American culture, a culture in which moral...

Kavanaugh Confirmation A Huge Impact on Religious Liberty

The war over human life in mother's wombs has just intensified. Abortion is a Sacrament to the Democrat Party and as we have seen,...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

Kevin Sorbo: The Tide Is Turning & More People Are Waking Up

David catches up with Kevin Sorbo and discuss the conservative movement, cancel culture, politics, homeschooling, visiting Israel, children's books, as well as Kevin's upcoming...

Tina Marie Griffin: Exposing Darkness, Expecting Warfare

Tina Marie Griffin, the Counter-Culture Mom joins Worldview Matters to encourage and warn parents to research and be skeptical of content marketed to children,...

Chad Davidson: Wrestling With Discipleship

Chad Davidson of Good Fight Ministries has a brand new book out titled: Wrestling With Discipleship!

Is the Anti-Christ LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

They don't call it programming for nothing! We must warn others and connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children. In a new...

Sam Sorbo: Speak Truth, Combat The Toxic Liberal Left

Sam Sorbo is an actress, writer, producer, author, homeschool advocate, and wife of Kevin Sorbo. She joins David to urge parents to teach and...

Same Sex Agenda Dominates Culture But Numbers Don’t Add Up, Census

According to the latest U.S. Census, less than one percent of American households are headed by a same-sex couple. To be specific, same-sex ‘married’...

Gallup: American’s Belief in God Dips to Historic Low

1944. That was the first year Gallup asked Americans the question about faith in God. Those were times when a majority of people trusted...

Delusion: Pregnant Men, Preferred Pronouns, and Pride Month

This godless rebellion against Truth and sexual revolution will not stop - unless many more American citizens take a stand for truth. And even...

Cartoons Cancelled But Pornographic Grammy’s Celebrated

How much more filth disguised as entertainment has to be displayed before people revolt over the onslaught of blatant, in-your-face, offensive so-called art forms?...

Democrats Don’t Believe All Women, They Believe Joe Biden

If you believed Christian Blasey Ford - and you do not believe Tara Reade - you may be part of the problem. We're seeing...

Media Wanted Kavanaugh’s Head, Now Give Biden a Pass

What a difference a political party makes. A few years ago, CNN published more than 700 articles on Christine Blasey Ford and aired hundreds...

AOC, HGTV Threesome, and LGBT: Normalizing Godlessness

What do AOC, VH1, Marvel, HGTV, and the LGBT have in common? The normalization of immorality including drag queens, gays kissing, and a “throuple”...

Why the Oscars, Award Show Ratings Keep Tanking

Either Hollywood elites are in denial - or they just don't care that, year after year, awards show ratings keep hitting record lows. Either...

Blatant Blasphemy Cheered in Hollywood

From decades of sacrilegious horror movies to The View and Joy Behar (who has a history of attacking Christians), to late night TV comedians...

Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano Unwittingly Help Pro-Life Cause

Actors Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano, and a cast of other liberals are fighting for abortion, but their tactics seem to be backfiring because they’re...

Hollywood, Dems Deaf to Heartbeats in the Womb

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, has been under pressure from the left including Hollywood celebrities and feminists because he promised to sign a bill protecting...

Transanity: Three Terrible Trans-Actions

Culture is shifting left, change is happening, and morality is declining at such a rapid pace in American culture, a culture in which moral...

Kavanaugh Confirmation A Huge Impact on Religious Liberty

The war over human life in mother's wombs has just intensified. Abortion is a Sacrament to the Democrat Party and as we have seen,...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

Abnormal, Unnatural Trans Ideology Becoming the New Normal?

Celebrated by most media, by Hollywood, the National Education Association, People Magazine, and a vast number of other publications, transgender TV star and teen...

Is Hollywood Ignoring Success of Christian Films?

Hollywood loves money, and the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil. But faith-based films typically do extremely well at...

God, Guns, and Government Schools

After another horrific school shooting by another disturbed kid bent on evil, the gun debate returned to the headlines. But some of us wonder...

Can the Bible and Transgenderism both be True?

Once a society or an individual abandons truth, anything goes, and generally this doesn't end well. Does God make mistakes? Are some people born...

Eight Key Concerns for Christians in 2018

A favorite Scripture of mine is Psalm 90:12 which states, “Teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”...

Rolling Out the ‘T’ – and it’s not Tolerance

Many people think the transgender movement has been more of a recent development in America, but it goes back to 1952 when the first...

The ‘Resistance’ Inciting Violence, Looking the Other Way

America is in critical condition. Even casual observers can see a pattern of increasing hateful rhetoric toward conservatives, Republicans, and Christians. The media, outspoken...

Identity in Christ or Identity Crisis?

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, (John 1:12)...

The Selective Morality of the Transgender Agenda

More and more people think they have the freedom to do or be whatever they want regardless of truth or consequences, but this is...

Radicals Taking Down America: Is The Left Winning?

The United States of America has been under attack - from within. Two things make this fact even worse: many people are oblivious, and...

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