Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 5, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Nathan Jones: The Coming Millennial Kingdom, Animals & Mankind At Peace

Nathan Jones of Lamb & Lion Ministries and host of Christ in Prophecy talks about the coming Millennial Kingdom.

Patricia Engler: Understanding ‘Modern Marxism’ In A Woke New World

Patricia Engler is a Christian apologist, speaker, author, and podcast host with Answers In Genesis. Her new book is called, "Modern Marxism."

Jay Seegert: Trust Me, I’m A Scientist

Jay Seegert is the founder of The Starting Point, an organization aimed at strengthening the faith of Christians.

Kevan Chandler: Freedom, Access, & Joy For The Disabled

Kevan Chandler founded ‘We Carry Kevan,’ a non-profit group focused on redefining accessibility. He also has the book and children’s version ‘We Carry Kevan’...

Jay Seegert: Creation in Six Days… Really? Part 1

Jay Seegert is the Managing Director for The Starting Point Project and works to equip people through presentations that strengthen faith in God as...

Russ Miller: Last Days Deceptions, Signs & False Christs

Author and speaker, Russ Miller talks about biblical denial and the different versions of Christs and theories of creation that are believed today. Creation,...

Hugh Ross: How God Reveals Himself in Scripture and Nature

Hugh Ross is the author of "Rescuing Inerrancy" and is the Founder of Reasons to Believe. Hugh has a degree in Physics and a...

Transgender Agenda Momentum Revealed in 5 Headlines

Stories about the advancement of gender ideology, the legal battles, parental rights, public debate, and more are non-stop across the country. The gender surrender...

Satanic Temple To Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Events At State Capitols To Mock God and Believers

It is both predictable and prophetic. The Satanic Temple (TST) is planning a tour to bring a band called Satanic Planet to different states...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

It’s Not About A Cake! Unrelenting LGBT Win Legal Battle Against Jack Phillips

BREAKING: LGBT activists just won a legal battle in the case against Colorado business owner and baker, Jack Phillips. They often preach tolerance, but are...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

When a Man Wins a Women’s Beauty Pageant

They’re calling it “a historic moment in beauty pageants.” Hollywood, the media, and the left celebrated the victory when Sunday, a biological male was...

Planned Parenthood’s New Victims: Transgender Teenagers

They’re not just about killing babies anymore. A former Planned Parenthood worker recently came forward about concerns over the abortion giant distributing cross-sex hormones...

Addicted to Sex: Planned Parenthood’s Goal for Children

Public schools in America allow Planned Parenthood access to the youngest of children in order to push their hyper-sexual, destructive agenda. They justify perversion...

Transanity: Three Terrible Trans-Actions

Culture is shifting left, change is happening, and morality is declining at such a rapid pace in American culture, a culture in which moral...

Canada Forces Christians into the Closet

Between its progressive history, Canada’s Supreme Court, and far left leader, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, our northern neighbors are gradually forcing Christians into the...

Supreme Ruling: You Don’t Have to Bake the Cake, Jack

You’ve probably heard the U.S. Supreme Court decided in favor of Colorado baker, Jack Phillips; that the State violated his religious freedom when they...

Can the Bible and Transgenderism both be True?

Once a society or an individual abandons truth, anything goes, and generally this doesn't end well. Does God make mistakes? Are some people born...

Worldview Matters: What If Christianity were True?

Some say we should just ‘Coexist;’ live and let live, that all religions lead to the same place. But they can’t all be true…...

Nathan Jones: The Coming Millennial Kingdom, Animals & Mankind At Peace

Nathan Jones of Lamb & Lion Ministries and host of Christ in Prophecy talks about the coming Millennial Kingdom.

Patricia Engler: Understanding ‘Modern Marxism’ In A Woke New World

Patricia Engler is a Christian apologist, speaker, author, and podcast host with Answers In Genesis. Her new book is called, "Modern Marxism."

Jay Seegert: Trust Me, I’m A Scientist

Jay Seegert is the founder of The Starting Point, an organization aimed at strengthening the faith of Christians.

Kevan Chandler: Freedom, Access, & Joy For The Disabled

Kevan Chandler founded ‘We Carry Kevan,’ a non-profit group focused on redefining accessibility. He also has the book and children’s version ‘We Carry Kevan’...

Jay Seegert: Creation in Six Days… Really? Part 1

Jay Seegert is the Managing Director for The Starting Point Project and works to equip people through presentations that strengthen faith in God as...

Russ Miller: Last Days Deceptions, Signs & False Christs

Author and speaker, Russ Miller talks about biblical denial and the different versions of Christs and theories of creation that are believed today. Creation,...

Hugh Ross: How God Reveals Himself in Scripture and Nature

Hugh Ross is the author of "Rescuing Inerrancy" and is the Founder of Reasons to Believe. Hugh has a degree in Physics and a...

Transgender Agenda Momentum Revealed in 5 Headlines

Stories about the advancement of gender ideology, the legal battles, parental rights, public debate, and more are non-stop across the country. The gender surrender...

Satanic Temple To Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Events At State Capitols To Mock God and Believers

It is both predictable and prophetic. The Satanic Temple (TST) is planning a tour to bring a band called Satanic Planet to different states...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

It’s Not About A Cake! Unrelenting LGBT Win Legal Battle Against Jack Phillips

BREAKING: LGBT activists just won a legal battle in the case against Colorado business owner and baker, Jack Phillips. They often preach tolerance, but are...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

When a Man Wins a Women’s Beauty Pageant

They’re calling it “a historic moment in beauty pageants.” Hollywood, the media, and the left celebrated the victory when Sunday, a biological male was...

Planned Parenthood’s New Victims: Transgender Teenagers

They’re not just about killing babies anymore. A former Planned Parenthood worker recently came forward about concerns over the abortion giant distributing cross-sex hormones...

Addicted to Sex: Planned Parenthood’s Goal for Children

Public schools in America allow Planned Parenthood access to the youngest of children in order to push their hyper-sexual, destructive agenda. They justify perversion...

Transanity: Three Terrible Trans-Actions

Culture is shifting left, change is happening, and morality is declining at such a rapid pace in American culture, a culture in which moral...

Canada Forces Christians into the Closet

Between its progressive history, Canada’s Supreme Court, and far left leader, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, our northern neighbors are gradually forcing Christians into the...

Supreme Ruling: You Don’t Have to Bake the Cake, Jack

You’ve probably heard the U.S. Supreme Court decided in favor of Colorado baker, Jack Phillips; that the State violated his religious freedom when they...

Can the Bible and Transgenderism both be True?

Once a society or an individual abandons truth, anything goes, and generally this doesn't end well. Does God make mistakes? Are some people born...

Worldview Matters: What If Christianity were True?

Some say we should just ‘Coexist;’ live and let live, that all religions lead to the same place. But they can’t all be true…...

Eight Key Concerns for Christians in 2018

A favorite Scripture of mine is Psalm 90:12 which states, “Teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”...

Rolling Out the ‘T’ – and it’s not Tolerance

Many people think the transgender movement has been more of a recent development in America, but it goes back to 1952 when the first...

Identity in Christ or Identity Crisis?

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, (John 1:12)...

The Selective Morality of the Transgender Agenda

More and more people think they have the freedom to do or be whatever they want regardless of truth or consequences, but this is...

The Perfect Timing of Christ the King

"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so...

Liberals Censor Speech But Claim Diversity

President George Washington once said, "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the...

WHY TRUTH MATTERS: Your Worldview Affects Everything!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God....

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