Author, Speaker, Pastor

January, 19, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Media Bias

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Weaponizing Words: ‘Christian Nationalism’ and Pesky Pro-Lifers

If you love your country, value freedom, and believe the Bible, you may now be the new scapegoat as enemies of the one true...

Censored: Is this China or America?

The Democrat media conglomerate is exploiting the chaos on Capitol Hill last week and they’re using it to punish their enemies. But it’s not...

Ten Things I Learned in 2020

There are endless lists at the end of one year and at the start of another, so I decided to weigh in on the...

Big Tech Democrats, Media Helped Biden More Than Voter Fraud

Hoping Joe Biden will be certified and selected president of the United States, Big Tech ramps up its censorship of Republicans, conservatives, and Christians...

God’s Sovereignty Trumps Elections, Deception, and Pandemics!

God's sovereignty trumps elections, voter fraud, mandates, and viruses! It is one thing to say we trust God and believe He is in control;...

Elections, Nations Change; God Does Not

Will we ever know who really won the election? Can the voting system still be trusted? Does the media declare winners or do they only...

Are We Fed Up with Being Censored Yet?

If they can’t win the election, they’ll cheat, lie, and steal. But, are people finally catching on? Less than 30 percent of Americans believe today’s...

Intimidation Tactics: Anti-Police Agenda, BLM Lies

In a matter of months, we’ve gone from ‘Defund the police’ to ‘Attack the police.’ A few months back, LeBron James said black people...

Democrat Media: Evil is Called Good, Violence is ‘Peaceful’

In Oakland, California, the mob burned the courthouse, vandalized a police station, shot fireworks at officers, and also hurled rocks, wood, and bottles at...

Cancel Culture Comes to Church: Media Ignore Attacks on Christians

You didn’t believe me, did you? Just a few weeks back I reported on the destruction of statues and federal monuments and the ‘cancel...

Most Americans Distrust the Media

With 93% of reporting on President Trump being negative since the 2016 election, it’s no wonder American citizens distrust of the news media is at record...

We Were Created to Work and Worship, Not Isolate

It’s been well established that work and human interaction is vital to our overall health. Quarantines aren't supposed to be for healthy people. Back...

Democrats Don’t Believe All Women, They Believe Joe Biden

If you believed Christian Blasey Ford - and you do not believe Tara Reade - you may be part of the problem. We're seeing...

Media Wanted Kavanaugh’s Head, Now Give Biden a Pass

What a difference a political party makes. A few years ago, CNN published more than 700 articles on Christine Blasey Ford and aired hundreds...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Democrats Target Prolife Citizen Journalists in CA Trial

Did you know it costs only $120 to ship an aborted baby’s brain using FedEx Priority Overnight? You do now. One of the most wild...

Big Tech Censors Conservatives, Christians; Facebook, Google: ‘So What’?

Big tech censors conservatives and the media yawns. With mounting evidence, Facebook, Google, and YouTube seem to be doing to the Internet what the...

Fans Divided Over Women’s U.S. Soccer, Political Activism

How many fans do you need to lose before you understand you’re alienating more than half of your audience when you use sports to...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Weaponizing Words: ‘Christian Nationalism’ and Pesky Pro-Lifers

If you love your country, value freedom, and believe the Bible, you may now be the new scapegoat as enemies of the one true...

Censored: Is this China or America?

The Democrat media conglomerate is exploiting the chaos on Capitol Hill last week and they’re using it to punish their enemies. But it’s not...

Ten Things I Learned in 2020

There are endless lists at the end of one year and at the start of another, so I decided to weigh in on the...

Big Tech Democrats, Media Helped Biden More Than Voter Fraud

Hoping Joe Biden will be certified and selected president of the United States, Big Tech ramps up its censorship of Republicans, conservatives, and Christians...

God’s Sovereignty Trumps Elections, Deception, and Pandemics!

God's sovereignty trumps elections, voter fraud, mandates, and viruses! It is one thing to say we trust God and believe He is in control;...

Elections, Nations Change; God Does Not

Will we ever know who really won the election? Can the voting system still be trusted? Does the media declare winners or do they only...

Are We Fed Up with Being Censored Yet?

If they can’t win the election, they’ll cheat, lie, and steal. But, are people finally catching on? Less than 30 percent of Americans believe today’s...

Intimidation Tactics: Anti-Police Agenda, BLM Lies

In a matter of months, we’ve gone from ‘Defund the police’ to ‘Attack the police.’ A few months back, LeBron James said black people...

Democrat Media: Evil is Called Good, Violence is ‘Peaceful’

In Oakland, California, the mob burned the courthouse, vandalized a police station, shot fireworks at officers, and also hurled rocks, wood, and bottles at...

Cancel Culture Comes to Church: Media Ignore Attacks on Christians

You didn’t believe me, did you? Just a few weeks back I reported on the destruction of statues and federal monuments and the ‘cancel...

Most Americans Distrust the Media

With 93% of reporting on President Trump being negative since the 2016 election, it’s no wonder American citizens distrust of the news media is at record...

We Were Created to Work and Worship, Not Isolate

It’s been well established that work and human interaction is vital to our overall health. Quarantines aren't supposed to be for healthy people. Back...

Democrats Don’t Believe All Women, They Believe Joe Biden

If you believed Christian Blasey Ford - and you do not believe Tara Reade - you may be part of the problem. We're seeing...

Media Wanted Kavanaugh’s Head, Now Give Biden a Pass

What a difference a political party makes. A few years ago, CNN published more than 700 articles on Christine Blasey Ford and aired hundreds...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Democrats Target Prolife Citizen Journalists in CA Trial

Did you know it costs only $120 to ship an aborted baby’s brain using FedEx Priority Overnight? You do now. One of the most wild...

Big Tech Censors Conservatives, Christians; Facebook, Google: ‘So What’?

Big tech censors conservatives and the media yawns. With mounting evidence, Facebook, Google, and YouTube seem to be doing to the Internet what the...

Fans Divided Over Women’s U.S. Soccer, Political Activism

How many fans do you need to lose before you understand you’re alienating more than half of your audience when you use sports to...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Is America Ready For A ‘Gay Christian’ President?

The new mantra these days that you have your truth and I have mine is simply an extension of the 1960s, “If it feels...

Exploiting Children: Part of the Left’s Agenda

Have you heard about the latest disturbing craze? Drag queens, story times, and parents of drag kids are normalizing the bizarre while dance moms...

Babies Were Murdered, Women Injured, Media Yawned

Two of the main reasons you don't really know about convicted murderer, Kermit Gosnell are, first, a complicit media covered-up the news and second,...

Anti-Semitism, Feminism of Democrat Party Stars

You can't get much more radical or anti-Christian and yes, she actually said that. Palestinian-American activist and controversial co-chair of the national Women’s March...

Liberal Ideology and the Fake News Problem

Many American citizens have very little respect for the extremely biased mainstream media – and rightly so. Some still refer to them as “journalists,”...

The Unraveling of the Left Will Help Trump

Their emotions are overriding their self-restraint, and they are pouring gas on the political fire. They hate Trump and want him impeached, but the...

What If A Conservative Said That?

Ignoring hypocrisy is one thing, but are we reaching the point where hatred expressed toward the Trump administration and conservatives is becoming the new...

Resist the Media-infused Resistance

Over the years, irresponsible reporting has destroyed trust in the news media as well as our society, and they just keep stirring the hornet’s...

Leave it to Behar: A Liberal ‘View’ of Christianity

Vice President Mike Pence says God speaks to him, but some call it mental illness. Oprah says God will speak to her if He...

The Real War on Women

Abortion is the real war on women (and men). Here's a tale of two marches featuring two completely different worldviews, and it's obvious which...

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