Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Tax Dollars Still Support Government Funded, Progressive Media

It is way past time to defund PBS and the hopelessly biased NPR. You might be wondering why we are still supporting these progressive...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

Olympic Ratings Tank, Corporations, IOC, Media Ignore China Abuses

Some are calling them the Genocide Games. Ratings at the Olympics are abysmal, but how was the Chinese Communist Party given the privilege of...

Time to Unplug? Screen Time is Taking a Toll

In 1985, the average American family spent about 5 hours a day watching television, which adds up to 35 hours a week and 1,082...

Haters Don’t Want Franklin Graham Saving Lives in NYC?

I don't care WHAT your religion, your profession, politics or your proclivities are when I need a doctor or health care. I just want...

God or Government? Media Stoking Fear, Coronavirus Chaos

Things are getting crazy out there, and if you listen to the media, we may be close to the end of the world! How...

Kardashian Culture, Kanye West, and Celebrity Christians

I really want to believe it. Kanye West recently said, “I’m not here for your entertainment; we’re here to spread the gospel,” at a...

Whoopsi Daisy! Progressive Delusions Exposed

The clapping seals in the View audience went wild with liberal lust when host Whoopi Goldberg lost her cool and shut down the conversation...

The World Wonders About USA Protests

To have a successful protest, it’s probably a good idea to clearly communicate exactly what you are protesting and what solutions you are proposing....

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

Radicals Taking Down America: Is The Left Winning?

The United States of America has been under attack - from within. Two things make this fact even worse: many people are oblivious, and...

Under the Influence of Technology: Narcissism by the Numbers

Watchman Nee once said, "If you would test the character of anything, you only need to inquire whether that thing leads you to God...

Keeping Americans Uninformed (Part 3) ‘Occupy vs. the Tea Party’

Do you believe recent polls or reports saying the Tea Party is dwindling? The media has swayed public opinion on this, but conservatives must...

Media Keeping Americans Uninformed (Part 2: Green Energy Failures)

Concerned American citizens that don’t know the facts about how our government uses taxpayer dollars are being misled because the truth is not reported...

Media: Keeping Americans Uninformed (Part 1: Life)

The majority of Americans don’t believe that the mainstream media reports accurately and fairly. Polls also show distrust of today’s media is at a...

Fast And Furious Scandal Revived By Gun Control Agenda

It appears NBC’s Bob Costas spoke too fast and made many conservative Americans including gun owners and the NRA furious. It happened the day...

Tax Dollars Still Support Government Funded, Progressive Media

It is way past time to defund PBS and the hopelessly biased NPR. You might be wondering why we are still supporting these progressive...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

Olympic Ratings Tank, Corporations, IOC, Media Ignore China Abuses

Some are calling them the Genocide Games. Ratings at the Olympics are abysmal, but how was the Chinese Communist Party given the privilege of...

Time to Unplug? Screen Time is Taking a Toll

In 1985, the average American family spent about 5 hours a day watching television, which adds up to 35 hours a week and 1,082...

Haters Don’t Want Franklin Graham Saving Lives in NYC?

I don't care WHAT your religion, your profession, politics or your proclivities are when I need a doctor or health care. I just want...

God or Government? Media Stoking Fear, Coronavirus Chaos

Things are getting crazy out there, and if you listen to the media, we may be close to the end of the world! How...

Kardashian Culture, Kanye West, and Celebrity Christians

I really want to believe it. Kanye West recently said, “I’m not here for your entertainment; we’re here to spread the gospel,” at a...

Whoopsi Daisy! Progressive Delusions Exposed

The clapping seals in the View audience went wild with liberal lust when host Whoopi Goldberg lost her cool and shut down the conversation...

The World Wonders About USA Protests

To have a successful protest, it’s probably a good idea to clearly communicate exactly what you are protesting and what solutions you are proposing....

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

Radicals Taking Down America: Is The Left Winning?

The United States of America has been under attack - from within. Two things make this fact even worse: many people are oblivious, and...

Under the Influence of Technology: Narcissism by the Numbers

Watchman Nee once said, "If you would test the character of anything, you only need to inquire whether that thing leads you to God...

Keeping Americans Uninformed (Part 3) ‘Occupy vs. the Tea Party’

Do you believe recent polls or reports saying the Tea Party is dwindling? The media has swayed public opinion on this, but conservatives must...

Media Keeping Americans Uninformed (Part 2: Green Energy Failures)

Concerned American citizens that don’t know the facts about how our government uses taxpayer dollars are being misled because the truth is not reported...

Media: Keeping Americans Uninformed (Part 1: Life)

The majority of Americans don’t believe that the mainstream media reports accurately and fairly. Polls also show distrust of today’s media is at a...

Fast And Furious Scandal Revived By Gun Control Agenda

It appears NBC’s Bob Costas spoke too fast and made many conservative Americans including gun owners and the NRA furious. It happened the day...

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