Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

First Amendment

Pushback on PRIDE and Year-round Marketing of EVIL

The month of June can be a disappointing, discouraging, and at times, a sickening month for Christians and conservatives due to the non-stop, relentless...

Communists Team With LGBTQ Mob to Shut Down Christian Café

A new Christian business in Colorado, the Drip Café, made the mistake of mentioning homosexuality in a statement, and since June 2 they have...

Kamala Harris Record Low Approval Caused By Pride & Progressive Policies?

Vice President Kamala Harris is going all-out to promote the LGBTQ agenda as her approval rating takes a dive. Coincidence? Harris hosted a big...

No Free Speech for Conservatives at Many American Universities

The University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) incited an activist mob to protest an event they disagreed with, then charged conservative groups for the damages. It’s...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

The Not So Subtle Agenda to Eradicate Christmas

It comes as no surprise there has been a nearly universal change in public expressions of religious speech when it comes to something as...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

Report: Google Helps Democrats, News Media a Threat to Freedom

It’s not breaking news that people's trust in today’s media is at a record low, but there are some key questions that should be...

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let's start with...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

Settled! Millions to Healthcare Workers in a Huge Win for Religious Freedom

Hundreds of healthcare workers who were fired for refusing to take the injection just won a major case. We’re talking about a $10.3 million...

Presidents and Progressives Don’t Get To Redefine Christianity

Welcome back Carter. Jimmy Carter, that is. He’s back in the news for a good reason this time as he and his wife, Rosalyn,...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

Punish the Opposition: Biden, Bolsheviks, Democrats & Disinformation

It is astounding, really. The left controls or is partnered with the liberal media, big tech, the "education" system, corporations, Hollywood, and government. And...

National Day of Diversity, Inclusion, Meditation and Benign Prayer?

The National Day of Prayer is coming up in a few weeks, and a school board is apologizing because the true God was referred...

DHS, Democrats Define ‘Disinformation’ to Censor Differing Views

At least four news stories last week expose how the Biden Harris administration plans to handle what they are calling ‘misinformation’ on social media....

Pushback on PRIDE and Year-round Marketing of EVIL

The month of June can be a disappointing, discouraging, and at times, a sickening month for Christians and conservatives due to the non-stop, relentless...

Communists Team With LGBTQ Mob to Shut Down Christian Café

A new Christian business in Colorado, the Drip Café, made the mistake of mentioning homosexuality in a statement, and since June 2 they have...

Kamala Harris Record Low Approval Caused By Pride & Progressive Policies?

Vice President Kamala Harris is going all-out to promote the LGBTQ agenda as her approval rating takes a dive. Coincidence? Harris hosted a big...

No Free Speech for Conservatives at Many American Universities

The University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) incited an activist mob to protest an event they disagreed with, then charged conservative groups for the damages. It’s...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

The Not So Subtle Agenda to Eradicate Christmas

It comes as no surprise there has been a nearly universal change in public expressions of religious speech when it comes to something as...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

Report: Google Helps Democrats, News Media a Threat to Freedom

It’s not breaking news that people's trust in today’s media is at a record low, but there are some key questions that should be...

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let's start with...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

Settled! Millions to Healthcare Workers in a Huge Win for Religious Freedom

Hundreds of healthcare workers who were fired for refusing to take the injection just won a major case. We’re talking about a $10.3 million...

Presidents and Progressives Don’t Get To Redefine Christianity

Welcome back Carter. Jimmy Carter, that is. He’s back in the news for a good reason this time as he and his wife, Rosalyn,...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

Punish the Opposition: Biden, Bolsheviks, Democrats & Disinformation

It is astounding, really. The left controls or is partnered with the liberal media, big tech, the "education" system, corporations, Hollywood, and government. And...

National Day of Diversity, Inclusion, Meditation and Benign Prayer?

The National Day of Prayer is coming up in a few weeks, and a school board is apologizing because the true God was referred...

DHS, Democrats Define ‘Disinformation’ to Censor Differing Views

At least four news stories last week expose how the Biden Harris administration plans to handle what they are calling ‘misinformation’ on social media....

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