Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 16, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

A Royal Baby, a King, and the Fight over Life in America

kate middleton holding baby

As the world anticipated the birth of the royal baby last week, I couldn’t help but notice that during her pregnancy, the typically pro-abortion media didn’t refer to the baby in Kate Middleton’s womb as the “royal fetus.” That seemed to contradict their worldview that what grows in a mother’s womb is either a clump of cells, tissue, or it is not human yet.

Case in point; on her Sunday show on MSNBC, liberal Democrat Melissa Harris-Perry actually said this:

“When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents…”

Let me clarify that in her opinion, life doesn’t begin unless we want it to begin, and that depends on how we feel. It’s kind of like playing God, isn’t it? And that’s exactly the point. Notice for example, that when a celebrity ‘chooses’ to have a baby, it’s rarely ever referred to as anything else – during pregnancy – other than a baby.

By the way, Harris-Perry protested the new pro-life law in Texas by wearing tampons for earrings

Planned Parenthood, the media, and other abortion activists practically threw a tantrum in Texas. They almost literally threw everything they could at pro-life representatives and onlookers at the state capitol. The Department of Public Safety was forced to do bag searches as protestors entered the capital and what they found won’t surprise you if you understand the Saul Alinsky rules, leftist radicals, and liberal activists.

The DHS found multiple jars of feces, urine, paint, female hygiene products, glitter and confetti; people weren’t allowed in the building unless the items were discarded.

This is how the Left rolls.

Governor Rick Perry and Texas representatives received death threats, survived political bullying and the pressure of the progressive media, but they endured it all for the causes of women’s protection and life.

The Left tried stopping the Texas law stating that after 20 weeks, abortion will be illegal, which goes into effect in October. The bill also requires abortion providers to have hospital-admitting privileges, which could save women’s lives in cases of botched abortions. Marla Cardamone and Tonya Reaves are two who weren’t that fortunate.

It has now been proven a pre-born baby feels excruciating pain during an abortion. At twenty weeks, the baby’s gender can already be determined by ultrasound. She has fully developed hands and feet and unique fingerprints. At twenty-three weeks, she responds to sounds and distinguishes her mother’s voice from others.

In the last three years at least twenty states have passed abortion restrictions. You may not hear this on the so-called news, but 83 percent of Americans do favor restrictions on most abortions, especially on late-term killings.

Moreover, according the Huffington Post of all sources, 70% of people that consider themselves prochoice favor laws like the one just passed in Texas. 

Wisconsin is another state that has recently enacted policies supporting life such as the outlawing of web-cam abortions and the requirement for abortion clinics to provide an ultrasound. When pregnant women see their ultrasound images, they most often choose life. Ultrasound results in more people getting informed and learning the truth instead of spewing liberal talking points.

As Christian conservatives, our greatest weapon is the truth.

One of the ignorant arguments that enabled Roe vs. Wade to be passed in 1973 was that they claimed no one really knew when life began. However, with today’s technology making the case for life, most fair-minded people know that the Bible has been right all along.

You created my inward being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb… Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:13, 16)

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5)

God certainly knew you and I before we were born and that means He knows and sees every single life in every mother’s womb.

The reason media reports about Kate Middleton and Prince William’s preborn (future) child were significant is because of the words chosen to describe the baby. If the royal baby was given personhood while he was growing in the womb, shouldn’t we give this same recognition to every baby?

Does it matter if a baby is born into a wealthy or royal family rather than a poor family? Are certain babies less human than others?

There have been billions of babies born in the world – some of them very famous and born into royalty – but only one changed mankind forever. Our calendar is based on His birth.

He is called ‘the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.” Some know Him as “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.”

The wealthiest kings at the time brought precious, valuable gifts to this newborn, paid him homage, and one day, “every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” (Phil. 2:10-11) He is the Author of life, Redeemer of mankind, and King of all kings. And yes, He is the authority even over royal babies.

abortion activists texasHARRIS-PERRY-TAMPON-EARRINGS


More From David

A Royal Baby, a King, and the Fight over Life in America


kate middleton holding baby

As the world anticipated the birth of the royal baby last week, I couldn’t help but notice that during her pregnancy, the typically pro-abortion media didn’t refer to the baby in Kate Middleton’s womb as the “royal fetus.” That seemed to contradict their worldview that what grows in a mother’s womb is either a clump of cells, tissue, or it is not human yet.

Case in point; on her Sunday show on MSNBC, liberal Democrat Melissa Harris-Perry actually said this:

“When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents…”

Let me clarify that in her opinion, life doesn’t begin unless we want it to begin, and that depends on how we feel. It’s kind of like playing God, isn’t it? And that’s exactly the point. Notice for example, that when a celebrity ‘chooses’ to have a baby, it’s rarely ever referred to as anything else – during pregnancy – other than a baby.

By the way, Harris-Perry protested the new pro-life law in Texas by wearing tampons for earrings

Planned Parenthood, the media, and other abortion activists practically threw a tantrum in Texas. They almost literally threw everything they could at pro-life representatives and onlookers at the state capitol. The Department of Public Safety was forced to do bag searches as protestors entered the capital and what they found won’t surprise you if you understand the Saul Alinsky rules, leftist radicals, and liberal activists.

The DHS found multiple jars of feces, urine, paint, female hygiene products, glitter and confetti; people weren’t allowed in the building unless the items were discarded.

This is how the Left rolls.

Governor Rick Perry and Texas representatives received death threats, survived political bullying and the pressure of the progressive media, but they endured it all for the causes of women’s protection and life.

The Left tried stopping the Texas law stating that after 20 weeks, abortion will be illegal, which goes into effect in October. The bill also requires abortion providers to have hospital-admitting privileges, which could save women’s lives in cases of botched abortions. Marla Cardamone and Tonya Reaves are two who weren’t that fortunate.

It has now been proven a pre-born baby feels excruciating pain during an abortion. At twenty weeks, the baby’s gender can already be determined by ultrasound. She has fully developed hands and feet and unique fingerprints. At twenty-three weeks, she responds to sounds and distinguishes her mother’s voice from others.

In the last three years at least twenty states have passed abortion restrictions. You may not hear this on the so-called news, but 83 percent of Americans do favor restrictions on most abortions, especially on late-term killings.

Moreover, according the Huffington Post of all sources, 70% of people that consider themselves prochoice favor laws like the one just passed in Texas. 

Wisconsin is another state that has recently enacted policies supporting life such as the outlawing of web-cam abortions and the requirement for abortion clinics to provide an ultrasound. When pregnant women see their ultrasound images, they most often choose life. Ultrasound results in more people getting informed and learning the truth instead of spewing liberal talking points.

As Christian conservatives, our greatest weapon is the truth.

One of the ignorant arguments that enabled Roe vs. Wade to be passed in 1973 was that they claimed no one really knew when life began. However, with today’s technology making the case for life, most fair-minded people know that the Bible has been right all along.

You created my inward being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb… Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:13, 16)

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5)

God certainly knew you and I before we were born and that means He knows and sees every single life in every mother’s womb.

The reason media reports about Kate Middleton and Prince William’s preborn (future) child were significant is because of the words chosen to describe the baby. If the royal baby was given personhood while he was growing in the womb, shouldn’t we give this same recognition to every baby?

Does it matter if a baby is born into a wealthy or royal family rather than a poor family? Are certain babies less human than others?

There have been billions of babies born in the world – some of them very famous and born into royalty – but only one changed mankind forever. Our calendar is based on His birth.

He is called ‘the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.” Some know Him as “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.”

The wealthiest kings at the time brought precious, valuable gifts to this newborn, paid him homage, and one day, “every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” (Phil. 2:10-11) He is the Author of life, Redeemer of mankind, and King of all kings. And yes, He is the authority even over royal babies.

abortion activists texasHARRIS-PERRY-TAMPON-EARRINGS

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