Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 16, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Jay Seegert: Trust Me, I’m A Scientist

Jay Seegert is the founder of The Starting Point, an organization aimed at strengthening the faith of Christians.

Ken Ham: Climate Change For Kids – And Parents, Too!

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis. He talks with David about the history and science of climate change, the biblical...

Hugh Ross: How God Reveals Himself in Scripture and Nature

Hugh Ross is the author of "Rescuing Inerrancy" and is the Founder of Reasons to Believe. Hugh has a degree in Physics and a...

Transgender Agenda Momentum Revealed in 5 Headlines

Stories about the advancement of gender ideology, the legal battles, parental rights, public debate, and more are non-stop across the country. The gender surrender...

Settled! Millions to Healthcare Workers in a Huge Win for Religious Freedom

Hundreds of healthcare workers who were fired for refusing to take the injection just won a major case. We’re talking about a $10.3 million...

Unmasked Celebs at Super Bowl Ignore Mandates They Demand You Follow

Follow the science? Literally none of the celebrities and wealthy elites attending the 2022 Super Bowl in Los Angeles were wearing a mask or...

What ‘Science’ on Masks Should We Believe?

UPDATE: though I stand by research on masks being less than effective against the Rona, I apologize for a mistake on my part. Apparently...

Puppets for Godless Climate Change Agenda

Greta Thunberg was the answer to one of the clues on Jeopardy last night. Up to this point, I’ve tried ignoring the teenage climate...

Most Americans Believe in a Creator

By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of...

Jay Seegert: Trust Me, I’m A Scientist

Jay Seegert is the founder of The Starting Point, an organization aimed at strengthening the faith of Christians.

Ken Ham: Climate Change For Kids – And Parents, Too!

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis. He talks with David about the history and science of climate change, the biblical...

Hugh Ross: How God Reveals Himself in Scripture and Nature

Hugh Ross is the author of "Rescuing Inerrancy" and is the Founder of Reasons to Believe. Hugh has a degree in Physics and a...

Transgender Agenda Momentum Revealed in 5 Headlines

Stories about the advancement of gender ideology, the legal battles, parental rights, public debate, and more are non-stop across the country. The gender surrender...

Settled! Millions to Healthcare Workers in a Huge Win for Religious Freedom

Hundreds of healthcare workers who were fired for refusing to take the injection just won a major case. We’re talking about a $10.3 million...

Unmasked Celebs at Super Bowl Ignore Mandates They Demand You Follow

Follow the science? Literally none of the celebrities and wealthy elites attending the 2022 Super Bowl in Los Angeles were wearing a mask or...

What ‘Science’ on Masks Should We Believe?

UPDATE: though I stand by research on masks being less than effective against the Rona, I apologize for a mistake on my part. Apparently...

Puppets for Godless Climate Change Agenda

Greta Thunberg was the answer to one of the clues on Jeopardy last night. Up to this point, I’ve tried ignoring the teenage climate...

Most Americans Believe in a Creator

By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of...

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