Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Roe v. Wade

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Planned Parenthood Gets a Raise: $670 Million from Taxpayers, Committed 374,155 Abortions Last Year

Eighty-four. Remember that number. Planned Parenthood terminates the life of a baby every 84 seconds. Overturning Roe V. Wade sure didn’t stop America’s abortion giant...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

CA Woman Tosses Puppies; Other Women Toss Babies

A woman in California dropped a bag full of newborn puppies into a dumpster in Riverside County a few months back and the verdict...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

The Last 50 Years in America (part two of four): 1970s & 1980s

A CONDENSED CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT AMERICA’S MORAL DECLINE FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE 1970s 1970: The EPA is created to enforce increasing number of environ¬mental protection laws...

Gosnell Trial Proves Massive Media Malpractice

Did you ever think the media in America would get to the point where details, facts, and news about one of the most horrific...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Planned Parenthood Gets a Raise: $670 Million from Taxpayers, Committed 374,155 Abortions Last Year

Eighty-four. Remember that number. Planned Parenthood terminates the life of a baby every 84 seconds. Overturning Roe V. Wade sure didn’t stop America’s abortion giant...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

CA Woman Tosses Puppies; Other Women Toss Babies

A woman in California dropped a bag full of newborn puppies into a dumpster in Riverside County a few months back and the verdict...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

The Last 50 Years in America (part two of four): 1970s & 1980s

A CONDENSED CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT AMERICA’S MORAL DECLINE FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE 1970s 1970: The EPA is created to enforce increasing number of environ¬mental protection laws...

Gosnell Trial Proves Massive Media Malpractice

Did you ever think the media in America would get to the point where details, facts, and news about one of the most horrific...

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