Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Garry Ingraham: Coming Out Of Cultural ‘Christianity’ & LGBT Identity

Garry Ingraham and his wife founded Love & Truth Network in 2013. His newly released book ‘Am I Gay?’ covers the topic of identity...

JB Hixson: Headlines Prove Increasing Cultural Chaos in US

J.B. Hixson is the Founder and President of Not By Works Ministries. He and David explore key current events happening around the U.S.

How Should Christians Respond to Injustice, BLM, Lawlessness?

How should Christians respond to all that’s happening in our country today? Does the Bible have anything to say about race, redemption, social justice,...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

Who’s in Charge Here, Anyway? Jesus! (Matthew 21:23-46)

The cross had to come before the kingdom. Sermon by Pastor David Fiorazo, Freedom Fellowship Church, Kaukauna, WI, Matthew 21:23-46 (Transcript) We read last week...

Good News, Bad News This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving season, there's good news and there’s bad news and it may depend on your perspective. As you know, most of our founders...

Do Not Be Deceived, Church: Wake Up and Watch Out!

This is an urgent message for these dangerous, deceptive days many refer to as the end times. Christian friend, be encouraged to seek first...

Four Part Video Series on the book of ACTS, David Fiorazo

These four messages include an introduction to ACTS: (1) the Proof of the Resurrection, (2) the Powerful Gift of the Holy Spirit, (3) the...

Cultivating a Culture of Decay

More sobering polls have emerged recently further proving America’s downward spiral. Our decline has been so gradual many of us did not notice -...

But They Said It Wasn’t An Agenda!

From a rainbow-colored White House to corporations proudly promoting political correctness, it is difficult to deny the spiritual and moral decline in our country....

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

It’s Official: We Have Forgotten God

O God, restore us and cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved. Psalm 80:3 Many people wonder what has happened to...

Garry Ingraham: Coming Out Of Cultural ‘Christianity’ & LGBT Identity

Garry Ingraham and his wife founded Love & Truth Network in 2013. His newly released book ‘Am I Gay?’ covers the topic of identity...

JB Hixson: Headlines Prove Increasing Cultural Chaos in US

J.B. Hixson is the Founder and President of Not By Works Ministries. He and David explore key current events happening around the U.S.

How Should Christians Respond to Injustice, BLM, Lawlessness?

How should Christians respond to all that’s happening in our country today? Does the Bible have anything to say about race, redemption, social justice,...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

Who’s in Charge Here, Anyway? Jesus! (Matthew 21:23-46)

The cross had to come before the kingdom. Sermon by Pastor David Fiorazo, Freedom Fellowship Church, Kaukauna, WI, Matthew 21:23-46 (Transcript) We read last week...

Good News, Bad News This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving season, there's good news and there’s bad news and it may depend on your perspective. As you know, most of our founders...

Do Not Be Deceived, Church: Wake Up and Watch Out!

This is an urgent message for these dangerous, deceptive days many refer to as the end times. Christian friend, be encouraged to seek first...

Four Part Video Series on the book of ACTS, David Fiorazo

These four messages include an introduction to ACTS: (1) the Proof of the Resurrection, (2) the Powerful Gift of the Holy Spirit, (3) the...

Cultivating a Culture of Decay

More sobering polls have emerged recently further proving America’s downward spiral. Our decline has been so gradual many of us did not notice -...

But They Said It Wasn’t An Agenda!

From a rainbow-colored White House to corporations proudly promoting political correctness, it is difficult to deny the spiritual and moral decline in our country....

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

It’s Official: We Have Forgotten God

O God, restore us and cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved. Psalm 80:3 Many people wonder what has happened to...

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