Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


It Just Takes A Generation – Abandoning Inerrancy to Post Modernism

Notes in rough transcript form: "It Just Takes a Generation"  Great Lakes Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Appleton, WI, session 5, David Fiorazo, (9.10.2022) INTRODUCTION (the...

Leave it to Behar: A Liberal ‘View’ of Christianity

Vice President Mike Pence says God speaks to him, but some call it mental illness. Oprah says God will speak to her if He...

Are Christians Welcoming Witchcraft?

"The darkness of the occult and witchcraft has to a great degree been accepted in our society, but the question we should ask is...

Rob Bell’s Pop Culture Christianity [Updated]

When the sinner sees the awful consequences of breaking the Law of God—that he cannot escape the certainty of judgment—he will see his need...

It Just Takes A Generation – Abandoning Inerrancy to Post Modernism

Notes in rough transcript form: "It Just Takes a Generation"  Great Lakes Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Appleton, WI, session 5, David Fiorazo, (9.10.2022) INTRODUCTION (the...

Leave it to Behar: A Liberal ‘View’ of Christianity

Vice President Mike Pence says God speaks to him, but some call it mental illness. Oprah says God will speak to her if He...

Are Christians Welcoming Witchcraft?

"The darkness of the occult and witchcraft has to a great degree been accepted in our society, but the question we should ask is...

Rob Bell’s Pop Culture Christianity [Updated]

When the sinner sees the awful consequences of breaking the Law of God—that he cannot escape the certainty of judgment—he will see his need...

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