Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 10, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

New York

Haters Don’t Want Franklin Graham Saving Lives in NYC?

I don't care WHAT your religion, your profession, politics or your proclivities are when I need a doctor or health care. I just want...

Elderly Man Attacked by Transgender on Subway

It’s all on video. A seventy-nine-year-old man was attacked on a New York subway and was left bleeding, apparently by a tall, angry transgender...

It’s Open Season On Christians and Life

What do Hollywood, Lady Gaga, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the LGBTQ lobby all have in common? Intolerance toward Jesus...

Christians Now Targets of Choice

Five recent news stories indicate a concerning trend in America; a shift from disagreeing with Christians to discriminating against them. Sadly, these attacks are...

Haters Don’t Want Franklin Graham Saving Lives in NYC?

I don't care WHAT your religion, your profession, politics or your proclivities are when I need a doctor or health care. I just want...

Elderly Man Attacked by Transgender on Subway

It’s all on video. A seventy-nine-year-old man was attacked on a New York subway and was left bleeding, apparently by a tall, angry transgender...

It’s Open Season On Christians and Life

What do Hollywood, Lady Gaga, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the LGBTQ lobby all have in common? Intolerance toward Jesus...

Christians Now Targets of Choice

Five recent news stories indicate a concerning trend in America; a shift from disagreeing with Christians to discriminating against them. Sadly, these attacks are...

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