Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 8, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

margaret sanger

Seth Gruber: The 1916 Project Proves We’ve Been Lied To

Seth Gruber is the founder of the White Rose Resistance, an organization dedicated to standing up for the unborn. Gruber also has a new...

It Just Takes A Generation – Abandoning Inerrancy to Post Modernism

Notes in rough transcript form: "It Just Takes a Generation"  Great Lakes Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Appleton, WI, session 5, David Fiorazo, (9.10.2022) INTRODUCTION (the...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding...

The Conscience of America: Good News, Bad News

One danger in our society is many people have gotten used to the back and forth debate over the most sacred of rights on...

The Anguish of Abortion, part 1, The Cost of Our Silence excerpt

Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; From the body of My...

Cultivating a Culture of Decay

More sobering polls have emerged recently further proving America’s downward spiral. Our decline has been so gradual many of us did not notice -...

One Nation Under Apathy: The Devaluing of Human Life

William Wilberforce once said, "You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know." Please...

Boycotting Truth to Promote Death

Within the last thirty days, more Planned Parenthood videos have been released exposing their callous attitude toward life; an assistant football coach was banned...

Are We Really Surprised by the Massacre in America?

When a society turns its back on their Creator or forgets Him; when they choose to live for themselves and for worthless idols, and...

America’s Tolerance of Planned Parenthood’s Death Cult

The selling of aborted baby body parts has been going on for years, but has only recently been exposed. If this is not...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Margaret Sanger’s Mission Accomplished?

There is an abortion every 26 seconds in America, and shocking new statistics show the black and Hispanic populations taking the hit. Center for...

Planned Parenthood’s Buried History and America’s Culture of Death

This is an excerpt from a chapter titled, "Planned Parenthood's Buried History" from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA. In America, abortion is...

Seth Gruber: The 1916 Project Proves We’ve Been Lied To

Seth Gruber is the founder of the White Rose Resistance, an organization dedicated to standing up for the unborn. Gruber also has a new...

It Just Takes A Generation – Abandoning Inerrancy to Post Modernism

Notes in rough transcript form: "It Just Takes a Generation"  Great Lakes Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Appleton, WI, session 5, David Fiorazo, (9.10.2022) INTRODUCTION (the...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding...

The Conscience of America: Good News, Bad News

One danger in our society is many people have gotten used to the back and forth debate over the most sacred of rights on...

The Anguish of Abortion, part 1, The Cost of Our Silence excerpt

Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; From the body of My...

Cultivating a Culture of Decay

More sobering polls have emerged recently further proving America’s downward spiral. Our decline has been so gradual many of us did not notice -...

One Nation Under Apathy: The Devaluing of Human Life

William Wilberforce once said, "You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know." Please...

Boycotting Truth to Promote Death

Within the last thirty days, more Planned Parenthood videos have been released exposing their callous attitude toward life; an assistant football coach was banned...

Are We Really Surprised by the Massacre in America?

When a society turns its back on their Creator or forgets Him; when they choose to live for themselves and for worthless idols, and...

America’s Tolerance of Planned Parenthood’s Death Cult

The selling of aborted baby body parts has been going on for years, but has only recently been exposed. If this is not...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Margaret Sanger’s Mission Accomplished?

There is an abortion every 26 seconds in America, and shocking new statistics show the black and Hispanic populations taking the hit. Center for...

Planned Parenthood’s Buried History and America’s Culture of Death

This is an excerpt from a chapter titled, "Planned Parenthood's Buried History" from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA. In America, abortion is...

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