Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 6, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Be Strong & Steadfast! Author David Fiorazo on Counter Culture Mom show

Pastors should teach their congregation the whole truth of the Bible without fear. We are on a cliff in America and must have a...

Paul Blair: Liberty Pastors, Christian Visibility On Election Day

Pastor and former NFL player Paul Blair discusses discipleship and calls for people to help get their pastors engaged & informed. Liberty Pastors is...

Gary McKibben: Ireland Needs Biblical Churches (America Can Relate!)

Gary McKibben is the Pastor of Victory Church out of Belfast, Ireland. Gary and David discuss Gary's ministry as well as the state of...

Elijah Abraham: Former Muslim Now Boldly Preaching Gospel Of Christ

Elijah Abraham is a pastor with Living Oasis Ministries. Elijah was born in Iraq and raised as a Muslim, but surrendered his life to...

Pastors Lack Biblical Worldview, Culture Influencing American Church

We cannot fix something until we know it is broken. And according to the latest Barna research, the American Church is in dire need...

Be Watchful, Knowing the Time! (sermon video & notes)

Sermon by David Fiorazo, Sunday June 27, 2021 - Rough Transcript I hope to convey a much-needed sense of urgency for the body of Christ...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

How Do ‘Good’ or Rich People Enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

What must I do to be saved? There is no better question or a more important one that could be asked.  Jesus Counsels a Rich...

Joel Osteen and Deceptive Prosperity Preaching

When one of the most popular Christian leaders in America focuses more on self-improvement, personal finances, and positive thinking than on the essential doctrines...

What’s Happening To Our Heritage?

“Being thus arrived in a good harbor and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of heaven, who...

The Cost of Our Silence: Full Introduction

America has over 300,000 churches, but few would contest that our Christian influence is decreasing as the nation becomes more secularized. Our biblical values...

There is a Cost to Our Silence

What are the consequences when Christians back out of culture and take the path of least resistance? We have much less influence on morality...

Be Strong & Steadfast! Author David Fiorazo on Counter Culture Mom show

Pastors should teach their congregation the whole truth of the Bible without fear. We are on a cliff in America and must have a...

Paul Blair: Liberty Pastors, Christian Visibility On Election Day

Pastor and former NFL player Paul Blair discusses discipleship and calls for people to help get their pastors engaged & informed. Liberty Pastors is...

Gary McKibben: Ireland Needs Biblical Churches (America Can Relate!)

Gary McKibben is the Pastor of Victory Church out of Belfast, Ireland. Gary and David discuss Gary's ministry as well as the state of...

Elijah Abraham: Former Muslim Now Boldly Preaching Gospel Of Christ

Elijah Abraham is a pastor with Living Oasis Ministries. Elijah was born in Iraq and raised as a Muslim, but surrendered his life to...

Pastors Lack Biblical Worldview, Culture Influencing American Church

We cannot fix something until we know it is broken. And according to the latest Barna research, the American Church is in dire need...

Be Watchful, Knowing the Time! (sermon video & notes)

Sermon by David Fiorazo, Sunday June 27, 2021 - Rough Transcript I hope to convey a much-needed sense of urgency for the body of Christ...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

How Do ‘Good’ or Rich People Enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

What must I do to be saved? There is no better question or a more important one that could be asked.  Jesus Counsels a Rich...

Joel Osteen and Deceptive Prosperity Preaching

When one of the most popular Christian leaders in America focuses more on self-improvement, personal finances, and positive thinking than on the essential doctrines...

What’s Happening To Our Heritage?

“Being thus arrived in a good harbor and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of heaven, who...

The Cost of Our Silence: Full Introduction

America has over 300,000 churches, but few would contest that our Christian influence is decreasing as the nation becomes more secularized. Our biblical values...

There is a Cost to Our Silence

What are the consequences when Christians back out of culture and take the path of least resistance? We have much less influence on morality...

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