Author, Speaker, Pastor

September, 15, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Joe Biden: More Islam in Public Schools!

“Muslim American voices matter,” That’s what Joe Biden just said in a message to the Million Muslim Votes Summit last weekend. He also referred...

Haters Don’t Want Franklin Graham Saving Lives in NYC?

I don't care WHAT your religion, your profession, politics or your proclivities are when I need a doctor or health care. I just want...

Why the Oscars, Award Show Ratings Keep Tanking

Either Hollywood elites are in denial - or they just don't care that, year after year, awards show ratings keep hitting record lows. Either...

Much More LGBTQ TV On the Way

Like it or not, if you watch TV, get ready for more gay! A study ‘came out’ – pun intended – a year ago...

Fans Divided Over Women’s U.S. Soccer, Political Activism

How many fans do you need to lose before you understand you’re alienating more than half of your audience when you use sports to...

Time for Christians to Leave the Democrat Party

The party of godlessness is taking their extremism up a few notches to the point you can no longer be neutral. Just a handful...

It’s Open Season On Christians and Life

What do Hollywood, Lady Gaga, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the LGBTQ lobby all have in common? Intolerance toward Jesus...

The ‘Resistance’ Inciting Violence, Looking the Other Way

America is in critical condition. Even casual observers can see a pattern of increasing hateful rhetoric toward conservatives, Republicans, and Christians. The media, outspoken...

Berkeley Reflects America as Chaos Drives Politics

Can you really call it a war when only one side seems to be doing most of the fighting? The left are aggressively pushing...

Worldview from Inside the Elite Bubble

They declare diversity and insist they are inclusive. They tout tolerance and yet, they often refuse to put up with anyone who thinks differently...

Get ‘Em While They’re Young: Promoting Homosexuality in Public Schools

Funded by our tax dollars, every year the National Education Association promotes what most Christians consider sinful behavior in government-run schools across the country....

Joe Biden: More Islam in Public Schools!

“Muslim American voices matter,” That’s what Joe Biden just said in a message to the Million Muslim Votes Summit last weekend. He also referred...

Haters Don’t Want Franklin Graham Saving Lives in NYC?

I don't care WHAT your religion, your profession, politics or your proclivities are when I need a doctor or health care. I just want...

Why the Oscars, Award Show Ratings Keep Tanking

Either Hollywood elites are in denial - or they just don't care that, year after year, awards show ratings keep hitting record lows. Either...

Much More LGBTQ TV On the Way

Like it or not, if you watch TV, get ready for more gay! A study ‘came out’ – pun intended – a year ago...

Fans Divided Over Women’s U.S. Soccer, Political Activism

How many fans do you need to lose before you understand you’re alienating more than half of your audience when you use sports to...

Time for Christians to Leave the Democrat Party

The party of godlessness is taking their extremism up a few notches to the point you can no longer be neutral. Just a handful...

It’s Open Season On Christians and Life

What do Hollywood, Lady Gaga, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the LGBTQ lobby all have in common? Intolerance toward Jesus...

The ‘Resistance’ Inciting Violence, Looking the Other Way

America is in critical condition. Even casual observers can see a pattern of increasing hateful rhetoric toward conservatives, Republicans, and Christians. The media, outspoken...

Berkeley Reflects America as Chaos Drives Politics

Can you really call it a war when only one side seems to be doing most of the fighting? The left are aggressively pushing...

Worldview from Inside the Elite Bubble

They declare diversity and insist they are inclusive. They tout tolerance and yet, they often refuse to put up with anyone who thinks differently...

Get ‘Em While They’re Young: Promoting Homosexuality in Public Schools

Funded by our tax dollars, every year the National Education Association promotes what most Christians consider sinful behavior in government-run schools across the country....

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