Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Mocker Be Thy Name: Biden Preaches to the Leftist Choir

Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...

Presidents and Progressives Don’t Get To Redefine Christianity

Welcome back Carter. Jimmy Carter, that is. He’s back in the news for a good reason this time as he and his wife, Rosalyn,...

Unmasked Celebs at Super Bowl Ignore Mandates They Demand You Follow

Follow the science? Literally none of the celebrities and wealthy elites attending the 2022 Super Bowl in Los Angeles were wearing a mask or...

Calling Evil Good, Is the Left Winning the ‘Battle for America’s Soul’?

Just like he did when he campaigned against President Trump, Joe Biden keeps claiming he and the godless Democrat socialists have a corner on...

NEW BOOK! The Left Is ‘Canceling Christianity’

For the last 2,000 years, societies have been trying to silence Christians and even blot out God - if that were possible. America is...

Do Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others?

According to reports, Black Lives Matter raked in between $90 and 100 million dollars in 2020 alone. Do you know anyone who jumped on...

The Left’s Idea of Unity: No Opposition

President Joe Biden and many on the left called Donald Trump a dictator for years, and yet, Biden has issued more executive orders in...

Americans Seek Answers as ‘Crisis Fatigue’ Continues

The current news cycle has been chaotic and frantic, bad news seems to be unrelenting, and many of us need a break. Debates and discussions...

Democrats Don’t Believe All Women, They Believe Joe Biden

If you believed Christian Blasey Ford - and you do not believe Tara Reade - you may be part of the problem. We're seeing...

Media Wanted Kavanaugh’s Head, Now Give Biden a Pass

What a difference a political party makes. A few years ago, CNN published more than 700 articles on Christine Blasey Ford and aired hundreds...

An ‘Empowering’ Super Bowl Halftime Sex Show? Really?

The comments came flooding in on social media following the Pepsi, NFL Super Bowl halftime sex show. Some say it was empowering to women....

Mayor Pete: Pro-Life Democrats Unwelcome

During the weekend of the March for Life in Washington D.C. Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a town hall event, and believe it or not,...

Fans Divided Over Women’s U.S. Soccer, Political Activism

How many fans do you need to lose before you understand you’re alienating more than half of your audience when you use sports to...

Bullying OK – if the Bullies are Liberal?

Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...

Whoopsi Daisy! Progressive Delusions Exposed

The clapping seals in the View audience went wild with liberal lust when host Whoopi Goldberg lost her cool and shut down the conversation...

The Unraveling of the Left Will Help Trump

Their emotions are overriding their self-restraint, and they are pouring gas on the political fire. They hate Trump and want him impeached, but the...

What If A Conservative Said That?

Ignoring hypocrisy is one thing, but are we reaching the point where hatred expressed toward the Trump administration and conservatives is becoming the new...

Leave it to Behar: A Liberal ‘View’ of Christianity

Vice President Mike Pence says God speaks to him, but some call it mental illness. Oprah says God will speak to her if He...

The ‘Resistance’ Inciting Violence, Looking the Other Way

America is in critical condition. Even casual observers can see a pattern of increasing hateful rhetoric toward conservatives, Republicans, and Christians. The media, outspoken...

Berkeley Reflects America as Chaos Drives Politics

Can you really call it a war when only one side seems to be doing most of the fighting? The left are aggressively pushing...

Mocker Be Thy Name: Biden Preaches to the Leftist Choir

Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...

Presidents and Progressives Don’t Get To Redefine Christianity

Welcome back Carter. Jimmy Carter, that is. He’s back in the news for a good reason this time as he and his wife, Rosalyn,...

Unmasked Celebs at Super Bowl Ignore Mandates They Demand You Follow

Follow the science? Literally none of the celebrities and wealthy elites attending the 2022 Super Bowl in Los Angeles were wearing a mask or...

Calling Evil Good, Is the Left Winning the ‘Battle for America’s Soul’?

Just like he did when he campaigned against President Trump, Joe Biden keeps claiming he and the godless Democrat socialists have a corner on...

NEW BOOK! The Left Is ‘Canceling Christianity’

For the last 2,000 years, societies have been trying to silence Christians and even blot out God - if that were possible. America is...

Do Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others?

According to reports, Black Lives Matter raked in between $90 and 100 million dollars in 2020 alone. Do you know anyone who jumped on...

The Left’s Idea of Unity: No Opposition

President Joe Biden and many on the left called Donald Trump a dictator for years, and yet, Biden has issued more executive orders in...

Americans Seek Answers as ‘Crisis Fatigue’ Continues

The current news cycle has been chaotic and frantic, bad news seems to be unrelenting, and many of us need a break. Debates and discussions...

Democrats Don’t Believe All Women, They Believe Joe Biden

If you believed Christian Blasey Ford - and you do not believe Tara Reade - you may be part of the problem. We're seeing...

Media Wanted Kavanaugh’s Head, Now Give Biden a Pass

What a difference a political party makes. A few years ago, CNN published more than 700 articles on Christine Blasey Ford and aired hundreds...

An ‘Empowering’ Super Bowl Halftime Sex Show? Really?

The comments came flooding in on social media following the Pepsi, NFL Super Bowl halftime sex show. Some say it was empowering to women....

Mayor Pete: Pro-Life Democrats Unwelcome

During the weekend of the March for Life in Washington D.C. Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a town hall event, and believe it or not,...

Fans Divided Over Women’s U.S. Soccer, Political Activism

How many fans do you need to lose before you understand you’re alienating more than half of your audience when you use sports to...

Bullying OK – if the Bullies are Liberal?

Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...

Whoopsi Daisy! Progressive Delusions Exposed

The clapping seals in the View audience went wild with liberal lust when host Whoopi Goldberg lost her cool and shut down the conversation...

The Unraveling of the Left Will Help Trump

Their emotions are overriding their self-restraint, and they are pouring gas on the political fire. They hate Trump and want him impeached, but the...

What If A Conservative Said That?

Ignoring hypocrisy is one thing, but are we reaching the point where hatred expressed toward the Trump administration and conservatives is becoming the new...

Leave it to Behar: A Liberal ‘View’ of Christianity

Vice President Mike Pence says God speaks to him, but some call it mental illness. Oprah says God will speak to her if He...

The ‘Resistance’ Inciting Violence, Looking the Other Way

America is in critical condition. Even casual observers can see a pattern of increasing hateful rhetoric toward conservatives, Republicans, and Christians. The media, outspoken...

Berkeley Reflects America as Chaos Drives Politics

Can you really call it a war when only one side seems to be doing most of the fighting? The left are aggressively pushing...

Worldview from Inside the Elite Bubble

They declare diversity and insist they are inclusive. They tout tolerance and yet, they often refuse to put up with anyone who thinks differently...

When Tolerance is a One Way Street

Some call it hypocrisy, others call it a double standard. I call it a sad sign of the times when those in society claiming...

Politics, Polls, and Professing Christians

Most people agree this is one of the most unpredictable and unusual election cycles in American history. For those who want substance over sensationalism,...

Do Evangelicals Really Support Donald Trump – Really?

Don’t believe the headlines. Not all Christians, particularly conservatives, are falling for the hype, but the cult of celebrity is causing formerly level-headed Americans...

Loyal To The Left, Jim Wallis Also Supports Gay Marriage

In June of 2010, Reverend Jim Wallis was asked if he believed abor­tion and homosexuality were sins. Christian radio station General Manager, Mike Le...

Social Justice Politics and Christian Confusion

According to the USDA, a record 47.7 million Americans are now living in poverty. A few actual news outlets have reported the very real...

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