Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...
Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...
Ignoring hypocrisy is one thing, but are we reaching the point where hatred expressed toward the Trump administration and conservatives is becoming the new...
America is in critical condition. Even casual observers can see a pattern of increasing hateful rhetoric toward conservatives, Republicans, and Christians. The media, outspoken...
Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...
Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...
Ignoring hypocrisy is one thing, but are we reaching the point where hatred expressed toward the Trump administration and conservatives is becoming the new...
America is in critical condition. Even casual observers can see a pattern of increasing hateful rhetoric toward conservatives, Republicans, and Christians. The media, outspoken...
Most people agree this is one of the most unpredictable and unusual election cycles in American history. For those who want substance over sensationalism,...
Don’t believe the headlines. Not all Christians, particularly conservatives, are falling for the hype, but the cult of celebrity is causing formerly level-headed Americans...
In June of 2010, Reverend Jim Wallis was asked if he believed abortion and homosexuality were sins. Christian radio station General Manager, Mike Le...