Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 9, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Tax Dollars Still Support Government Funded, Progressive Media

It is way past time to defund PBS and the hopelessly biased NPR. You might be wondering why we are still supporting these progressive outlets with our tax dollars. 

The issue goes beyond just having liberal or progressive leanings for many decades. The programming on these publicly funded broadcast media outlets generally does not align with the biblical worldview, and they have practically become arms of the Democrat Party.

Thankfully, a few people are trying to do something about it. Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt moved to cut funding for PBS, and Elon Musk’s Twitter labeled NPR, “state funded media.”

Similar to the gravy-train of federal funding to Planned Parenthood, for example, why should all Americans be forced to support anything with our tax dollars that does not align with our values? We should have a say!

So, kudos to OK. They’re doing some great things in the Sooner state – and (many) more states should follow their lead.

Republican Governor Kevin Stitt vetoed a bill that would have continued funding for the state’s Public Broadcasting Service affiliate for another three years. He defended his decision by saying he represents all taxpayers in Oklahoma and is concerned about content geared toward children on PBS. 

The governor explains:

“And then when you go through all of the programming that’s happening and the indoctrination and over-sexualization of our children, it’s just really problematic, and it doesn’t line up with Oklahoma values,” 

Democrats there accused the governor of mounting an attack on “public education and underrepresented Oklahoma communities,”

Did they just try playing the ethnic and race card and saying LGBTQ ideology was “education”? Also, here’s another case in which we must put air quotes around the word, “education.” 

Many of us agree with Governor Stitts that much of PBS’s program content has a clear far-Left bias and promotes the LGBTQ agenda which includes drag queens. 

State by state, friends, this is another important battle. Why should all taxpayers help fund (in this case) the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) when it should be competing with stations and other media platforms in the private sector? Good question.

Then there’s NPR, or National Progressive Radio.

Last month, the new Twitter labeled the social media accounts of NPR, PBS, and the BBC as “government funded media.” NPR’s was specifically labeled, “state affiliated media,” which was later changed to “government funded media.”

NPR threw a tantrum. So did leading Democrats.  

Let’s look at part of Twitter policy:

“State-affiliated media is defined as outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures, and/or control over production and distribution,”

NPR’s budget, by the way, is well over a half billion dollars while the PBS budget us just under that, around $465 million. 

The media landscape has radically changed since 1967 when the Public Broadcasting Act was first introduced. It has changed for the better in that there are thousands of media and news outlets today. But it has also changed for the worse as a majority of the biggest networks, cable news, and papers have become openly partisan and many far left in their so-called ‘reporting.’

Joe Concha, contributor at The Hill said their bias at NPR is beyond hope. It launched in 1971 with part of its mission to “speak with many voices, many dialects,” which assumes they would embrace diversity of thought and speech. He writes that unfortunately today, “it’s difficult to distinguish NPR from MSNBC.”

There are far too many examples to cite, one being NPR sugarcoating its coverage of the death of Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro in 2016. A few more easy examples include years of anti-Trump commentary and the fact they refused to cover the Hunter Biden laptop story.

In one scandal, NPR received $100,000 from the (pro-Iran deal) Ploughshares Foundation to ensure they “reported” on the Iran nuclear deal properly. NPR also has had an obvious anti-Israel bias for as long as most of us can remember.

We could go on but it’s redundant at this point.

American citizens need to know where our tax dollars are going, how much, and we then need to encourage our representatives to follow through on defunding and go to bat for we the people. Why should taxpayer dollars go to those who oppose our worldview and are loyal to one political party?

Back to PBS for those who may be unconvinced they have injected LGBTQ agendas in programming geared for children. We’re not just talking about “Pride Month” programming. Here’s a condensed list from CBN News detailing PBS content that includes:

  • a PBS News hour feature on parents’ support for various gender-altering treatments including puberty blockers,
  • a gay character in Work It Out Wombats
  • PBS Kids’ Clifford the Big Red Dog introducing LGBTQ characters,
  • a special about a town of Christians and drag queens who “step into the spotlight to dismantle stereotypes,”
  • a same-sex wedding featured on PBS Kids’ Odd Squad

Do we need to go on?

The animated PBS series “Arthur” began its 22nd season revealing Arthur’s teacher is gay. His friend Muffy asks “Who is Mr. Ratburn marrying?” Another man, of course. Back in 2005, in an episode from the spinoff cartoon series Postcards from Buster, Arthur’s best friend meets several children who have two moms while on a trip to Vermont.

The show is geared towards children ages 5-8 years old. We need to start calling it what it is: demonic, indoctrination, and godlessness. And the left now has access to the youngest of children from the education system and entertainment, to government and public television.

Tragically, they have been all too successful at taking full advantage of busy, hard-working families and overly trusting parents. From world dictators through the centuries to the darkest, most satanic worshippers, children have always been the goal.

Who will raise awareness about this, pray, resist the devil as well as his minions, and take a stand for truth? 


More From David

Tax Dollars Still Support Government Funded, Progressive Media


It is way past time to defund PBS and the hopelessly biased NPR. You might be wondering why we are still supporting these progressive outlets with our tax dollars. 

The issue goes beyond just having liberal or progressive leanings for many decades. The programming on these publicly funded broadcast media outlets generally does not align with the biblical worldview, and they have practically become arms of the Democrat Party.

Thankfully, a few people are trying to do something about it. Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt moved to cut funding for PBS, and Elon Musk’s Twitter labeled NPR, “state funded media.”

Similar to the gravy-train of federal funding to Planned Parenthood, for example, why should all Americans be forced to support anything with our tax dollars that does not align with our values? We should have a say!

So, kudos to OK. They’re doing some great things in the Sooner state – and (many) more states should follow their lead.

Republican Governor Kevin Stitt vetoed a bill that would have continued funding for the state’s Public Broadcasting Service affiliate for another three years. He defended his decision by saying he represents all taxpayers in Oklahoma and is concerned about content geared toward children on PBS. 

The governor explains:

“And then when you go through all of the programming that’s happening and the indoctrination and over-sexualization of our children, it’s just really problematic, and it doesn’t line up with Oklahoma values,” 

Democrats there accused the governor of mounting an attack on “public education and underrepresented Oklahoma communities,”

Did they just try playing the ethnic and race card and saying LGBTQ ideology was “education”? Also, here’s another case in which we must put air quotes around the word, “education.” 

Many of us agree with Governor Stitts that much of PBS’s program content has a clear far-Left bias and promotes the LGBTQ agenda which includes drag queens. 

State by state, friends, this is another important battle. Why should all taxpayers help fund (in this case) the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) when it should be competing with stations and other media platforms in the private sector? Good question.

Then there’s NPR, or National Progressive Radio.

Last month, the new Twitter labeled the social media accounts of NPR, PBS, and the BBC as “government funded media.” NPR’s was specifically labeled, “state affiliated media,” which was later changed to “government funded media.”

NPR threw a tantrum. So did leading Democrats.  

Let’s look at part of Twitter policy:

“State-affiliated media is defined as outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures, and/or control over production and distribution,”

NPR’s budget, by the way, is well over a half billion dollars while the PBS budget us just under that, around $465 million. 

The media landscape has radically changed since 1967 when the Public Broadcasting Act was first introduced. It has changed for the better in that there are thousands of media and news outlets today. But it has also changed for the worse as a majority of the biggest networks, cable news, and papers have become openly partisan and many far left in their so-called ‘reporting.’

Joe Concha, contributor at The Hill said their bias at NPR is beyond hope. It launched in 1971 with part of its mission to “speak with many voices, many dialects,” which assumes they would embrace diversity of thought and speech. He writes that unfortunately today, “it’s difficult to distinguish NPR from MSNBC.”

There are far too many examples to cite, one being NPR sugarcoating its coverage of the death of Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro in 2016. A few more easy examples include years of anti-Trump commentary and the fact they refused to cover the Hunter Biden laptop story.

In one scandal, NPR received $100,000 from the (pro-Iran deal) Ploughshares Foundation to ensure they “reported” on the Iran nuclear deal properly. NPR also has had an obvious anti-Israel bias for as long as most of us can remember.

We could go on but it’s redundant at this point.

American citizens need to know where our tax dollars are going, how much, and we then need to encourage our representatives to follow through on defunding and go to bat for we the people. Why should taxpayer dollars go to those who oppose our worldview and are loyal to one political party?

Back to PBS for those who may be unconvinced they have injected LGBTQ agendas in programming geared for children. We’re not just talking about “Pride Month” programming. Here’s a condensed list from CBN News detailing PBS content that includes:

  • a PBS News hour feature on parents’ support for various gender-altering treatments including puberty blockers,
  • a gay character in Work It Out Wombats
  • PBS Kids’ Clifford the Big Red Dog introducing LGBTQ characters,
  • a special about a town of Christians and drag queens who “step into the spotlight to dismantle stereotypes,”
  • a same-sex wedding featured on PBS Kids’ Odd Squad

Do we need to go on?

The animated PBS series “Arthur” began its 22nd season revealing Arthur’s teacher is gay. His friend Muffy asks “Who is Mr. Ratburn marrying?” Another man, of course. Back in 2005, in an episode from the spinoff cartoon series Postcards from Buster, Arthur’s best friend meets several children who have two moms while on a trip to Vermont.

The show is geared towards children ages 5-8 years old. We need to start calling it what it is: demonic, indoctrination, and godlessness. And the left now has access to the youngest of children from the education system and entertainment, to government and public television.

Tragically, they have been all too successful at taking full advantage of busy, hard-working families and overly trusting parents. From world dictators through the centuries to the darkest, most satanic worshippers, children have always been the goal.

Who will raise awareness about this, pray, resist the devil as well as his minions, and take a stand for truth? 

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